Chapter 1

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~~Aizawa's POV~~

I sat at my desk while looking over some files "you called" I looked up to see Shinso standing there rubbing the back of his bed while looking just as sleep deprived as I am

"yes, close the door then come sit down"

As he did so I laid out a few folders "there is a suspected traitor among class 1-A or 1-B" he grabbed a folder and looked it over "you are wanting me to brainwash them into telling us".

I shook my head no "no what I need you to do is to be befriend them and gain their trust" he looked at me "you want me to befriend them, you want me to lie" he raised his eyebrow which of course made me sigh

"Yes, you need to be our eyes and ears"

He put the folder down and leaned back in his chair "ok from the folder I was holding it showed Kirishima, whose else" I leaned back in my chair

"there's only 3 we suspect Kirishima Eijiro, Kamainari Denk and Midoriya Izuku "

~~time skip~~

~Izuku's POV~~

I was woken up to banging on my door and yelling for me to wake up "I'm up mom" she stopped banging on the door "breakfast is ready do eat up then leave" I heard her footsteps fade away from the door

"you better get going before your father comes back"

With that said I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to my closet to get my uniform so I could take a shower "how much longer mom" I didn't get an answer back which probably meant she didn't hear me.

After getting dressed I ran out of my room with my bag and shoes in my hands and went downstairs "how much longer mom" she glanced at the clock "5 minutes" with a sigh I put my shoes on and stuffed everything that I need in my bag

"just give me a piece of toast"

Once I made it to school without running into dad I slowed my pase down and just started to walk to class and of course the closer I got to the class the more my soulmate mark started to pulse which meant my mate is someone from the class.

-I don't want to meet them, I don't want to disappointment them, how would they react if-

I was brought out of my thoughts when I bumped into something hard "Midoriya watch where your going" I looked up to see Aizawa-sensei and I use everything my tired body could muster up and hid the blush I felt coming.

"I'm sorry Mister Aizawa I was lost in thought"

I let out a nervous chuckle in Hope's of him buying it "always watch your surroundings" I nodded while watching him walk away -what I would to be under him- I instantly started to blush and shaking my head

-no bad brain you can't fall for anyone-

After clearing my head of such thoughts I continued on my way to class and this time I ran into Uraraka and the others but luckily I didn't actually run into them like I did with Aizawa.

As we got into the classroom I looked around to see who's here and the only I saw was Kaachan who was leaning back with his feet on the desk and his hands hind his head.

"Bakugo that is not school appropriate"

He just clicked his tongue which fueled Iida more

"I still can't believe you 2 are childhood

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