chapter 18

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~~Izuku's POV~~

I didn't expect to see the others waiting at the water fountain for us when we walked in "about time Bakubro and you brought Midobro" I blushed at the nickname I was just given "yea you damn Pikachu" Denki started to laugh

-in glad he has friends that don't take him name calling or attitude the wrong way-

"Let's go"

I looked up at Mina laced her arm through mine "w-wait you mean we aren't splitting up" they all looked at me with confusion and concern "no why would we" I nervously smiled as I scratched the back of my head "well because when I'm here with my friends they all usually leave me" they all looked at each other then at me

"well that won't happen with us, when one of us wants to a store we all go"

I looked at Mina "and when Mina wants to go to Victoria Secrets only Bakubro goes in with her" I looked at Kirishima then looked at Kaachan "why" he clicked his tongue as he looked away from me with a small blush

"because he has such a good taste in fashion plus he's gay"

I looked at Kaachan who had wide eyes and slowly turned to look at Mina then I looked at Kirishima who was looking down while thinking -I bet he didn't know that Kaachan was gay- I smirked to myself

-I can help them get together-

"Anyways let's walk around"

Denki came up to me and went to my other side and out his arm around my other one so now I have Mina one side with her arms laced around one and Denki on the other side with his arms wrapped around my other arm

"S-so what do you guys usually get her"

Mina shrugged "just depends on what we want" I nodded as we came up to Bed, Bath and Beyond "hey I need some scented candles can we stop there" they looked at me then at the store -they won't- just as I thought it they changed directions to the store

"Whatever you damn nerd"

I smiled and chuckles a little bit "thank you Kaachan" he just clicked his tongue "yea yea I said whatever" I smiled we walked into the store and Denki and Mina let go of my arms and went their own ways as I headed to the candles.

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