Chapter 2

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A few customers come in here and there. Mostly, you and Robin just talked. You and her had a lot in common. You two were already very close.

You were having a conversation when Steve came back.

"Hey Hair-ington" said Robin.

"Shut up, the ladies love this hair. Right y/n?" says Steve, walking in from the back.

"No," you answer, high fiving Robin.

"Friends now, ay?" he says, coming over.

"Yes, close friends actually." you answer.

"Nice, it's my shift now, y'all can chill in the back or go somewhere, I don't care." he says, waiting at the cash register. You and Robin go to the back.

"Hey y/n, can I trust you?" Robin asks.

"Yes! Of course!" you say, smiling.

"Well, I'm lesbian." she says.

"That's cool! I'm bi!" you say, giggling a little bit.

"Really?" she asks.


You guys had a conversation and then Steve came in.

"It's late, time to go y/n," says Steve.

"Alright, bye Robin! Nice meeting you!" you call, walking out with Steve.

You walk out to the parking lot.

"You're catching interest, aren't you?" says Steve.

"Maybe," you say, walking to your car.

"See you at home!" you shout, as you drive back to your house.


You arrive at your house and see Steve sitting on the couch, watching TV. You go upstairs to your room and change into some pajamas. You head back downstairs and decide to watch TV with Steve since your family died from the mall incident last year.

"Hey Steve?" you ask.

"What's up y/n?" he asks.

"Why are you friends with those little kids?" you ask.

"I honestly don't know." he replies, laughing.

You laugh too and you both watch TV. You two were inseparable.

A few minutes later

"Hey, I'm gonna go to bed to get some rest for tomorrow." you say, getting off the couch.

"Alright, good night." he says.

You go upstairs and get in your bed. You fall asleep thinking about Robin.

Dingus ~ Reader x Robin BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now