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-1141 words
-I wrote this on my school computer then the school found out and deleted it and I almost got suspended but since I made them think someone hacked me I didn't and then I copied it from google docs and pasted on here so idk if it's good lol
-alpha Kiri,Omega Katsuki
-im very lazy rn so idk if ima include all the tws""
-Kirishima is on a business trip so that means this is Bakugo's first heat 'without him';)
3rd person pov:

Kirishima and Bakugou have been dating for 8 months now.Kirishima went on a business trip a week ago and Bakugou has been missing him since.Kirishima is a alpha,simply uncommon,while Katsuki on the another hand is a male omega,male omega's are extremely rare.Most male omega's get hunted down to sell and to become sex slaves,luckily Katsuki was sold to the most handsome guy he could possibly see,Eijiro Kirishima.At a point in time the omega will start a monthly schedule and go though something similar to woman such as a 'period'.Like woman's period,male omegas go through something once a week called a 'heat' session,but unlike woman,the males heat will only go down by pills or sex,so wrether the males are gay or not they have no choice,well theres always pills but whats te fun it that??Katsuki has never been through heat before and he didn't want to have to go through it when kiri wasn't there,but he'll have to now.

Katsuki's pov:

It's been a week since Eijiro left to his business trip.Everyday I miss him more and more,I would call him but I don't want to interrupt one of his meetings or study sessions.Sure,he sent me his schedule that shows when he's on break and when hes busy,but what is he forgets to tell me something has to change or he has extra shifts.That fucking shitty hair got me all soft for him.I guess i'll just go get some boba or something.I put on the red over-sized hoodie kiri gave me and some ripped jeans with sme red vans.I simply put the hood over my head and tuck in my tail so no one could tell i'm a omega.The first step I took outside was calming,very peaceful,thats was until I felt some water fall on my head,then everywhere else.It was raining.Great.Exactly what I fucking needed.I still decided to get some boba so I walk to the tea shop across the street.Some time later I finally arrived,the light rain still pouring from the sky,and a boba shop thats right infront of-I take a quick glace to see thats ITS FUCKING CLOSED!Well SHIT,this day is the WORST.On my way back home a fucking car crash happened right infront of the street I take,then every where around it theres cop cars and firetrucks and ambulance,everything you would see at a crime scene.Right when I though things couldn't get worst,lightning hits the power lines and boom,they fall down.Me being smart decides to avoid that area and not go home,instead I decide to walk around the city.

3rd person pov:

While Bakugou was walking around the city,he ended up in an empty alleyway with a small entrance,not to0 small but small enough to fit 1 person.He decided to explore the alley way and move in farther until he saw bigger space.A few minutes later he found a slightly bigger area,somewhere crack heads probably live and where drug dealers deal,all that basic shit.Just as he was about to leave the area he feels hot,so hot he was tempted to take his clothes of,the thought of that made him hard and sweaty."How the fuck can this be happening." he whispered shouted at himself.Then he figured it out.Heat.H didn't want this to happen,not now,not when Kiri isn't here.He decides to walk back to his home the long way considering the damage from earlier.When he got home he quickly locked to door,went upstairs to his room,change his pants for some shorts,went for Kiri's pillow and started squeezing it.Kiri's scent was still on the pillow and doing that calmed him down a bit,well,it usually would.Now the only thing it did was make Bakugou's boner get harder and himself got hotter.He decided to sqeaze the pillow colser and tighter cause his boner to grind on it,that was the lst straw.Bakugou decided to purposly grind on it taking in the scent to the point where e cums.Welp.That happened.He slowly got of the pillo to see some cum on the bed,some on the pillow,the rest on his shorts.Without hesitation he got up took the whole pillow to the wash room, and threw it in the washing machine with 5 loads worth of laundry detergent.The fcat he came from his boyfriend's scent on the pillow was making his head hurt.He went back to his room, and took a shower.

Katsuki's pov:

Fuck the shower.Im taking a bath.Too cold.Hot.Cold again.Warm.Perfect.I sat in the tub full of bubbles and warmth.Well kinda,Im missing Ki-and fuck that did it.My biner came back and im hot as fuck.Only one thing to do now that im here.I begin to sit there moving my hand slowly towards my raging hard.Then the fun begins.Water splash everywhere from my tail wagging like crazy as I jerk myself of,the thought of Kirishima doing this to me makes me harder and makes me want to go faster.Faster.And faster.Amd faster until the white liquid shoots from my ejection and into the water."fucking god.'' I say knowing nothing will work except for Kirishima's dick up my ass.I get out the bath not bothering to clean up again,and wrap a towel around me.Next thing I know my phone is ringing and-ITS FroM kIRIHSIMA! "Hello?!" I say excitedly waiting for a response.

Kirihima's pov:

Just by his voice I can tell it's already happened.little does he know I'm in our room waiting for him.Instead of responding I just wait until he sees me.One.Two.Thre-"KIRISHIMA!" He says as he looks right into my eyes and walks towards me slowly.His tail wagging like crazy lets me know he missed me.And his ears down like he's horny.Perfect."Looks like someone missed me." I say with lust in my voice so he can tell I know what's going on.Or he might simply think i'm just teasing him.

3rd person pov:

Without hesitation Kiri kisses Bakugou's neck gently biting it while he's at it.Bakugou softly moans while grinding on Kiri with his hard on.Soft moans escape Bakugo's mouth while Kiri rubs his ass and tail.
I'm lazy so ima see u in part 2 lol

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