Secret superpower

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-i wrote this for a school assignment my 5th grade teacher had the class do
She wanted us to erite about someone getting a secret superpower or something idk
-bullied kiri
-i dont kjow if i had good or bad grammerin this sooo good luck✨✨

Go to school,get picked on,eat lunch, get picked on,go home,cry.It was all a schedule for Eijiro Kirishima-short,black hair that would usually look like it's wet,red eyes,a scar across his right eye,and teeth as sharp as a razor blade.Kirishima doesn't understand how everyone sees him as an emotional punching bag every time he steps into the school.After all they all had one thing in common-quirks.Kirishima's power was for him to be able to turn himself as hard as a rock,in that case,the other kids thought it would mean he can't get hurt-so they'll throw scissors,books,rocks-basically whatever they felt like throwing-at him.He goes home everyday wondering why it's him getting picked on,he sees nothing special about himself so what gives?One day after school,he remembers walking home when he saw a small fight with a short boy with green hair and green eyes and a tall boy with dirty blond hair and ruby red eyes.Kirishma didn't want to get himself involved and look like a total fool in front of his crush,so he just went home.A few days past and it was a Saturday afternoon when he was going out for a walk at the park.He sat down on a bench closing his eyes and hoping for his wishing to come true soon,that's when someone tapped on his shoulder and said ¨I can grant your wishes y'know.¨ Kirishma was shocked on how a stranger read his mind-¨maybe it's a quirk.¨ he thought-¨How can you grant my wishes?" Kirishima asked the man.¨Well by using my quirk of course!¨ Kirishima was confused about how someone can read minds and grant wishes-¨How do you have 2 quirks?¨ Kirishima asked the man.¨Well my original quirk Is to grant wishes,so I wished for another quirk-reading people's mind!¨ the man said, looking in Kirishima's eyes the whole time.¨Can you maybe use that quirk on me and grant me a wish?¨ Kirishima asked looking at his feet ¨Of course! After all,I love granting people's wishes!¨the man said with a huge smile on his face.¨So,what's your wish?¨ Kirishima hesitated but it wasn't long when he said ¨I want people to like me,I want to be able to walk into my school and get everyone to treat me better by glance at me.¨ ¨Are you sure that's what you want?¨ the man asked ¨ I'm positive that's what I want!¨ Kirishima said with excitement in his voice.The man slowly started rubbing Kirishima's forehead,that's when Kirishima started feeling dizzy-so dizzy he thought he was gonna pass out-then all of a sudden the man disappeared.Kirishima figured all of that dizziness that was going on was his second quirk getting transferred into his brain and blood.¨New-uh second quirk! New me!¨ Kirishima said as he rushed into a store.
It's now Monday,Kirishima wakes up at 4:30 am,2 hours before he usually wakes up.He runs to the bathroom and takes out a box full of stuff he bought from the store,red hair dye,hair gel,some eyeliner, and some cloths no one else could afford.After his transformation,he looks in the mirror proud of himself.Its now 8:30 am when the school bell rings,everyone takes their seats and silence is all someone can hear.Their teacher,Mr.Aizawa,sleeps in as usually so it gives the class time to do what they need to do before school actually starts.A few minutes passed and the teacher still hasn't arrived-but someone did.¨I thought I told you not to come back to this classroom Deku-¨ the blonde cut himself off because the person who entered the classroom wasn't Deku,it was Kirishima.Of Course,no one had any idea who it was-he looked so different and cool!No one can imagine someone having a major glow-up,so they took it as a new kid instead.¨Hey new kid! Why aren't you with any teachers? Don't you need someone to help explain the lessons for you?' asked a girl with pink hair matching her pink skin with yellow eyes and a black scarla.¨No thanks Mina,I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing.¨ everyone was in shock- if the kid was new,how did he know her name? Some think it's his quirk,others think he's a stalker.¨I'm guessing you all are wondering how I know her name? Well it's not a quirk-actually it's nothing special at all.I just payed attention to the people in class that's all.¨ Kirishima said causing the class to go silent ¨Aren't you new here?¨ asked one of the students.¨Not at all! I guess you can say I got a glow-up or some kind-and FYI,i'm Eijiro Kirishima.¨ everyone was in shocked,how can someone be bullied and depressed turn into a cool top hero-like boy.Girls out of nowhere started crowding Kirishima thinking he was a top hero since he looked so bold and strong.The people who bullied him in the past started begging for mercy,shaking,like they just witnessed a murder.People started crowding him and tried talking to him,but he couldnt hear from all the noise in the classroom.¨Oh my- I knew the quirk would work but not this much!That guy must've been really powerful!¨Kirishima thought to himself.Kirishima got dragged by what looked like the blonde he kept seeing,the one he had a crush on,but he couldn't tell because they ran out of there so quickly.
Kirishima is now outside,in an alleyway with the blonde.¨Let's get this straight.Im Katsuki Bakugou,and your Eijiro Kirishima.¨The blonde-Bakugou said ¨Yessir!¨ Kirishima said with a smile,happy to spend time with his crush.¨You look like a top hero so of course you'll have fangirls all over you 24/7,it's none of my business but I can't help to just look at you,so what is it,a weird quirk you have?¨Kirishima stayed silent because he forgot about the quirk,he was guessing he did it all on his own,soon realizing he did.After getting dizzy he was sure to pass out but before he did,the man stopped in the middle of it,knowing Kirishima's body was too weak for a new quirk,the ,man kept it secret from him hoping he wouldn't find out,but deep in that brain Kirshima has,he remembered somehow.¨No,this is just me!¨ Kirishima told Bakugou.Kirishima noticed Bakugou looking from up to down at Kirishima's new look,he swore he saw Bakugou blushing.¨Why you change so much anyways?¨Bakugou asked still blushing.¨Well to be honest with you,it was to impress you,BUT THAT'S JUST %60 OF THE REASON!¨ Kirishima seemed embarrassed after he said that.Bakugou's face was as red as Kirishima's hair.¨You alright Bakubro?¨ ¨Bakubro?¨Kirishima questioned himself.¨Yeah yeah I'm fine.And the next time you decide to change your look..¨ Bakugou hesitated,getting lost in Kirishima's bright red eyes.Bakugou slowly leaned into Kirishima's face when the bell rang.¨I guess it's-HOW LONG HAVE WE BEEN OUT HERE?!¨Kirishima felt like he messed up his plan already,he started worrying and freaking out like it was the end of the world.Bakugou couldn't stand to watch Kirishima freak out like that,so he quickly kissed his cheek causing Kirishima to calm down and blush making it look like his face was the color of bakugou's eyes.¨Oi! Calm down,it's nothing but the first period,we're ok.¨Bakugou said, looking away to hide his red face from Kirishima.They head back to class causing everyone to stare at them with a weird smirk on their faces-Mr.Aizawa was finally here but had no idea who Kirishima was,he looked just as confused as everyone else,and when Kirishima told him who he was,he was more shocked than all the students.Years past now,Bakugou and Kirishima were married and both were top heroes.Ground Zero and Red Riot,one of the most strongest of heroes,in a team together,they couldn't be teared apart.Every Night before Kirishima holds Bakugou in his arms ready to go to sleep,he just remembers the time he asked for the wish,and how the man thought he can lie to Kirishima about giving him a second quirk,he gets so proud of himself knowing all the success,came from him and him only.Nothing could be better.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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