The Sick Deputy

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(Fluff story) Jacob Seed X Deputy Ava

The seasons in Hope County was always the worst. When it was summer, it was hot. When it was winter, it was cold and snowing. It was the worse season because it was easy for Deputy Ava to get sick. Since she's always out on the streets controlling Eden's Gate and Resistance.

Just like she was right now. Sick as dog and there was no one there to look after her. Her nose stuffy and running, her body aching and shaking, and her throat itchy and causing her to cough. She hated coughing cause it always triggered her asthma. Yes the deputy was an asthmatic and she HATED IT.

It was only the beginning of Winter and she had already gotten sick. Even though the war had died down, there was still resistance members who had grudges against the Peggies and would usually start fist fights, when meant the deputy having to stop them. She could hear the fights that had broken out all over the county, on her radio and it annoyed her but she didn't have the energy to do anything about it.

Two days eventually past and she was still nowhere near on the verge of getting begged. If anything, she was getting worse. No matter how much hot teas she drank or the medications she took, it wasn't getting any better. She was alone and didn't even have the Enegry to get up and make anything to eat or drink. No one called or messaged her, asking if she needed any help.

At this moment, all she was doing was staring up at the ceiling and waiting for a miracle so she could get better right now. She was just about to close her eyes for a nap, when he radio crackled and a familiar voice came through.

"Oh fuck no" Ava said to herself recognising the voice of the red headed mountain man Jacob Seed.

"Deputy? Are you dead?" Jacob asked.

She picked her radio up and spoke back. "I'm on the verge mountain man"

"Fuck. You sound like you're dying"'he responded with a joke.

"You don't fucking say. I'm sick because you idiots can't control your cult members"

"Wow. Feisty. As usual of course" he said.

"What do you want? I'm already sick, I don't need you to make things worse Jacob"

There was a small silence for a moment and Ava thought he'd just left her alone. So she put her radio down and tried getting some sleep but a moment later, her front door slammed open and the Deputy fell off the couch, looking in that direction.

"JACOB FUCKING SEED! Was that necessary?!" She yelled seeing Jacob standing at the door.

"Of course it was. It was very necessary and worth it as well. I've never seen anyone jump that high in my life" he chuckled.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to look after you. Well truthfully I just wanted to see how shit you looked and I'm quite satisfied but I'm here now, so I'll take care of you" he laughed as he walked towards the kitchen of her cabin.

She let out a sigh, getting back onto the couch and looking at Jacob while he scrambled around in the kitchen. He grabbed a mug and boiled some water in the kettle.

"Tea hasn't helped" she informed him.

"That's because you aren't adding honey and lemon in it. Normal tea isn't gonna work. Even I know that" Jacob shook his head and started squeezing lemon and honey into the mug. He poured the boiling water into the mug and brewed the tea for a while, before taking it to Ava. "Okay. Drink it while it's hot so it can have an affect".

Deputy Ava gave him a nod and started drinking the tea. "Mmm. That's nice. Thanks Jacob".

"You're welcome" he said and sat down next to her, looking through her medications. "Did you drink any?"

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