Part Three.

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Zay's POV

At first I hated the idea of going to this private school. But once I opened my mind and put my personal feelings aside I realized it wasn't that bad after all. 


I absolutely hate it here. The teachers are on some next level shit. The curriculum is mad hard, but I'm passing. How, I don't know?  And the students here are garbage. The rich white kids and their white privilege have made it clear that I don't belong there. The bougie blacks don't even look my way. The only person I'm cool with is Arin.

But there is someone that's caught my eye, Victoria. I don't know what it is about her but I like it. Her energy is just different. Every time I see her I smile.

My AP Literature teacher wasn't there so we had a substitute for the day. He really didn't care what we did, he just warned us to not get too rowdy. I sat in the back of the classroom with my my headphones in listening to music, texting my tattoo guy. I looked up from my phone for a second and made eye contact with Victoria.

She smiled at me then quickly looked away. I grinned and began brushing my hair.

"You need to let that go." Arin said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I know your type and I know stuck up and spoiled ain't it." Arin said.

I waved Arin off, "I've talked to her plenty of times and she doesn't give me spoiled or stuck up vibes at all. Matter of fact ima prove it to you."

"How?" Arin asked.

The bell rang and everyone gathered their things so they could head out. I unbuttoned my blazer and walked out the classroom. Victoria broke away from her group of friends and I saw that as an opportunity to talk to her. I smoothly walked over and leaned against the locker beside hers.

"Hi Xavier." She said.

"Hi Victoria." I said.

"Did you have a good day today?" She asked.

I nodded, "It was cool. I'm glad it's Friday though."

"I know right? It seems like this week was harder than normal." Victoria said.

"I feel you on that." I said.

Victoria got her things and we began walking outside. "So what are you getting into this weekend?"

"Homework and working with my dad." I said.

"What does your dad do?" Victoria asked.

"He's in the entertainment game, he got his own nightclub and everything." I explained.

"Interesting." Victoria said.

"Yeah." I stepped in front of her and grinned. "Listen I don't usually do this but I really like you and your vibe is dope. Do you think that I can get your number?" I asked.

Victoria blushed and bit her lip, she held out her hand and I knew that I had won. I unlocked my phone so she could put her number in it. "You better use that." She said.

"I plan on it." I said.

"Alright loverboy let's go."

I looked back and my dad had pulled up. Victoria gave me a kiss on the cheek before getting into her ride. I got into the truck with my dad and immediately started texting Victoria. I was so immersed in our conversation I didn't realize we had pulled up to the spot. What I also didn't realize was that my boys were there.

"Dad I can't go in there dressed like this. They gone clown me to death." I said.

"And you will be okay." Dad said.

We got out of the truck and headed into the restaurant. Before I could sit down I got roasted.

"Yooooo! What in the Carlton Banks is going on?" Timmy asked.

Loc snickered and dusted off my shoulders, "What have they done to my boy?"

"Go ahead and hit the Carlton for me Zay." Kairo said.

"It's not unusual looking ass boy." Timmy said.

"Man fuck y'all." I said before sitting down.

I sat facing the door and loosened my necktie. After we ordered some food the guys started hitting me the questions. How'd I like my new school? What were the girls like? Had I beat someone's ass yet? Stupid shit.

As annoying as the guys were at times hanging out with them made me realize how much I missed my old school. But this is my new normal and I gotta get used to it.


I know how I wanna end this story


Ima probably delete this story soon 🤷🏾‍♀️

Happy Juneteenth 🖤❤️💚

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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