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I’m reading on my lilac couch when Yoosung comes in the next morning.

"To study or to play LOLOL, that is the question!"

"Haven't even read Hamlet. No offense, though."

"How was your birthday?"

“'We' had fun.” Although my second persona did not allow me to pick up my so called family's phone calls.

“Vanilla cake and vanilla frosting?” he asks.

“Of course.”

"Day dreaming about him?"

"Yes." A small reply leaves my plump lips.

"And then you lost into a deep slumber after fighting off the urge to fantasize-"

"Haha. Very pretty predictable, huh?"

"Don't mind me." He says laughing.

"I'm just jealous of how much time you spend daydreaming about him these days. This obsession isn't healthy."

"They never are."

Yoosung sits next to me on the couch. "Blue roses, from that shop? Again?"

"...Yeah. Bought them as a little treat. After all books aren't my only obsession."

"Well there's always him." Yoosung says a but irritated. "But doesn't that boy always make you cry, even though you guys have never even encountered each other, never been face to face?"

"One day he won't" I say, tucking a lock of curls behind my pink tipped ear, "I'll make sure of that."

He rolls his eyes at me and takes my hand. It is kind of a flip answer, but then I wonder if it’s true. Maybe I’m holding out hope that one day, someday, things will change.

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