Before you read

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Thank you for taking the time to read this book! I have been working on several versions of this and I hope you like it! This book is not a book for everyone and it brings up some heavy topics along the way and I wouldn't advise you read further if you have any upset feelings about the topics.

These topics include TW: suicide, sexual actions consented and no consented, self harm, suicidal thoughts, death, death of loved ones, drinking, drugs, toxic relationships, gang violence, violence, description of gore.

If you continue to read I really hope you enjoy this book! Don't be afraid to comment under any part and give suggestions for the next chapters or your opinions on what should happen, I love involving everyone in the writing progress because I want to give you guys a book you can enjoy reading. :)

Anyways, without further of do lady and gents I present to you

Favorite Crime.

Favorite Crime- Bughead StoryWhere stories live. Discover now