New World Order

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Sam's Pov

What a day... As I put on my suit I look over my bed.Steves shield.Man Why did you do this? Why would you stay back?I put the shield into its case trying to avoid any memory that has to do with it but Steve's words are stuck in my mind..
'How does it feel?' His voice echos through my head
'Like it's someone's else' ,
'Well it isn't' he says back to me. Why would he think that I would be the next great Captain America? That's his freaking legacy and he gives it to me to screw it up?


Major.The criminal organization known as LAF is targeting Captain Vasant, one of our military liaisons.
Major.Yeah, they're high-powered.We lost contact with Vasant's plane just after it took off.We need you to make sure that LAF doesn't deliver on their threat.Vasant's plane has already entered Tunisian airspace.US military cannot be seen operating out there.
Sam.I got it. You guys fly low, drop me off, I fly up to intercept.No treaties violated.
Major. First Lieutenant Torres, our intel officer, will be helping on the ground.And Sam, this has to be subtle.
Sam. Subtle. Got it.

I'm always subtle what would go wrong? I jump off the plane backwards and while as my wings fly open I hear a voice through the earpiece. It's Torres.

Torres. Sam, Torres here.Sending intel to your HUD right now.I'll be your boots on the ground,
Sam. I got eyes on a plane. Any sign of LAF?
Torres. Nah. Nothing yet. But I'll keep tracking the chatter.

(And blah blah blah you know what happens at the fights on the planes.Sam is awesome and blah blah)


Me and Torres sat down at a place in Tunicia to relax after the mission. I pull out redwing and take out the wirings. He always needs a little check up once in a while to make sure everything is going perfect and he won't overpower.He has been glitching for a while now.Torres brings me what I guess some tea and I thank him for it. Meanwhile while we are are chatting a man with his wife come to our table. He thanks us for bringing him back his wife in Arabic. What Torres doesn't know is that I know Arabic too. I tell the man that we are glad to be able to help. Torres looks kind of dumb founded and wants me to say that again so he can film it.
Torres.Can you say that again? One sec *pulls out camera*
Sam.Alright come on.
We both chuckle as I push the camera down.

Torres.Anyway, these LAF crews, man, they're tryin' to take advantage of all the chaos and make some money.And that I get, but there's...
*the phone beebs*
Oh, bam! Right there!You see these guys? These're guys you gotta worry about.I've been stumbling onto their manifestos on message boards.They call themselves the Flag Smashers.
Sam. Is that a new thing? Bad guys give themselves bad names.
Torres. There's a lot worse names than that one.But basically, they think that the world was better during The Blip.Trust me, it wasn't.

I sigh
Sam. Trust me. Every time something gets better for one group, it gets worse for another.
Torres. Yeah. Essentially, these people, they want a world that's unified without borders.So, you could see why a lot of people are into that.
Sam.Yeah, but keep an eye on it.If anything gets serious you let me know.
Torres. No doubt. I'll... I'll, uh... I'll track the online chatter, see what they're saying. Yeah.
I do gotta ask you, though, 'cause online there's just been a lot of stuff about Steve, actually.
*I look over at him and raise an eyebrow letting him continue*
Um, crazy, crazy conspiracy theories.
So, some people... Some people, they think that he's in a secret base on the moon looking down over us.

I chuckle over that stupid theory. Why would even people think of that theory?
Sam. Yeah. Well, I can assure you, those people, you don't have to take seriously.

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