The day before the next full Moon.

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Cathra heard some new wolves were rescued and being brought to the camp. The wolves brought were different shades and colors of ginger,brown,red,and blondes.

Though one seems to stand out among the rise. A fluffy wolf whom had reddish-ginger hair and the wolf was a bit small but pretty and handsome. The wolf looked Clever.
Cathra went up to the wolf "Hello my name is Cathra!". The wolf said in a soft male voice "O-Oh h-Hello! M-m-my name i-is R-Riley! I-I have a s-stutter as y-y-you can see..u-usually around new wolves or when I'm nervous"
Cathra said "Oh that's fine everyone here is pretty okay with things like that but there is one wolf that isn't so nice..anyway I can show you around!"
Riley nodded happily and followed Cathra. Riley felt he had a new friend forever. Cathra knew Riley was probably a good wolf because he was so friendly. Soon the two said their goodbyes and Cathra went into the forest and hunted some good prey. Fat and chubby rabbits,Rats, and even a very fat bird. She had caught a big snake as well. Soon she brought her prey to the leader whom was a white wolf. The Leader was a large wolf with a muscular body and The Leader  told Cathra "Good work you may have a break" in her pretty but scarred voice. Cathra was taking care of the pups again but heard a lovely singing voice that was awfully familiar. "Wow...I didn't know Riley had such a good singing voice..." Cathra thought and let Juliet take care of the pups for now. Cathra went to where the singing voice was and saw Riley there. He was singing a beautiful song about the forest. Soon Cathra sat to hear the rest. Riley didn't stutter when he sang but then when he finished he saw her and seemed a bit shy about it. "O-Oh! I d-d-didn't see y-you t-there!" He said.
"Did I bother you?" Cathra said and was a bit sad the song didn't last longer but it was nice to hear such the lovely voice of Riley's sing. They had a great time talking to each other but soon had to stop and go back to what they wanted to do as a task or two.

The Wolf Pack: Songs of Joy and SorrowWhere stories live. Discover now