Chapter 6

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A few days have gone by and I've spent every one of them with Dylan, showing him around, and just hanging out. I know I shouldn't be spending so much time with him because of everything going on, but he's kind of my only friend out here. Monica and Jeremy are in Greece, I don't even know if Kaeden is in Bridgewood anymore, and Rebecca is in Calgary.

The more I hang out with Dylan, the more my feelings come back, and the deeper they become. But we could never work. He's going to be in Toronto and I'll be in Europe somewhere. Which is what I've been trying to decide all week. Both clubs have so much to offer and the towns are beautiful. It's impossible to decide. I know I wanna play now, I just don't know where.

To get away from my headspace, I decided to head back to Bridgewood high. I sat at the very field where we won regional championships. I can still see the foul, the goal, and of course the handshake. Man, being at the field brings back so many memories. It's where I met Todd, where me and Kaeden shared many moments, and every time I had an issue, I would come here and kick a ball around.

Before I went home, I stopped at the farmer's market that was taking place to get my mom some bread. I was browsing around all the stands and stopped at a photography one. They were all in black and white but were all stunning. I was memorized by one with a bear in the distance on the mountains.

"How much for the bear?" The guy beside me asks. Man, I should've grabbed I when I had the chance. I slightly shake my head and look over.

"Kaeden?" I ask.

"Ainsley," He responds just as surprised, "what are you doing here?"

"I-I'm home for the summer." I stutter. Why did I stutter?

He pays for the photograph and we both sit on the bench nearby. There was a slightly awkward silence, but not like before. It was awkward awkward.

"My mom needed bread," I say hesitantly.

"Oh. So, how've you been?"

"Good. How've you been? How's your family."

"Busy. I haven't talked to my dad in a while since he's on a fishing trip." He says somberly.

"And your mom? Does she still run the boutique in Canmore?"

"You didn't hear?" his voice breaks.

"No." I'm confused. What happened?

"Ainsley, she died from breast cancer."

"Kaeden," I sigh, "I'm so sorry." I touch his shoulder. He looks up, tears pooling in his eyes. I've never seen him so broken, not even when we said goodbye on my front lawn.

"It's okay," he barely lets out, "your parents sent a card and flowers. I thought they would've told you."

I give him a big hug. I thought so too. Why didn't they tell me? After everything Kaeden and I have been through. We grew up together. His mom was the sweetest person in the world and would take care of the four of us all the time. I can't believe they didn't tell me. We exchange our new numbers and say goodbye.

Once I get home my mom is in the kitchen while my dad is on the patio making burgers.

"Hey hun, how was the market?" My mom asks in an upbeat tone.

"Why didn't you tell me Kaeden's mom died," I say trying not to break. My heart aches. Not just from her death, but the betrayal from my parents.

"Oh, honey. It was a hard time for everyone, we didn't want to distract you." My dad walks inside.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"Kaeden's mom died from cancer and neither you nor mom had the audacity to tell me. She died!" I yell.

"Ainse, you were in Sweden. You had to focus on the club and training. You didn't need such a distraction." He responds, I can hear his guilt.

"Well, why didn't you say anything after, or when I finished school, or when I got home. I looked like an idiot when I saw Kaeden. After everything we've been through, I looked so careless. So distant." I'm basically crying now.

"Honey- "My mom tries.

"No. Just forget it." I run-up to my room and crawl into my bed.

Not only do I have to make the biggest decision of my life, in my whole soccer career, but I'm so overwhelmed with all these emotions. It hurts. 

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