Chapter 5: The beginning

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Chapter 5; The kingdom
In which our favorite main characters go to watch a play, and everything seemingly goes wrong.

From that day on Y/n had never talked to the children in her village and spent all of her teenage years in the library. Maybe thats where her love of literature came from.

Technoblade noticed Y/n's expression of pain, mixed with nostalgia.
"Are you okay?" He asked 
"Huh? Oh, yeah, just glad." Y/n said smiling sheepishly
"Glad about what?" Technoblade asked again twirling her around.
"Full of questions aren't we.... Just.. That some how i found my way here." Y/n sighed 
"What? That you found your way into living in a castle?" Technoblade laughed half joking
"No, just that I survived shit, and now I'm in a good place." Y/n said
"Oh, and i'm not dead." Y/n added after some thought.
"I understand." Technoblade said nodding, "I was adopted, they found me in the nether when I was twelve."
Y/n nodded and smiled sadly.
The party lasted the rest of the afternoon, and all through the night, though Y/n decided to sleep earlier than usual.

Far, far away the moon shined down on an ocean, near a small chain of islands, a young mermaid watched a large wood pirate ship moved over the reef. 
Her name, was Sally, she was of course, like any sensible mermaid, deathly afraid of pirates. You could hear the yelling and stomping from underneath the water.
And that was before they started setting off canons as a game. 
Sally sat at the bottom of a reef alone, her mother and sister had been taken by the pirates for their hunting games, and she was alone, not knowing what to do.
Then came a loud yell from above Sally, "LOOK I FOUND ANOTHER ONE!" 
Sally gasped and before she knew it they had dropped a net on her, she tried to escape the jumbled net of entwined string but the string cut into her skin drawing blood.
She said nothing as the pirates lifted her into the ship.
"She looks like the two others, too bad they're gone." One of the men said smiling maliciously.
One of the men brought forward a large glass tank, with gold trim around the edges, and it was full of water. 
They dropped the net and extracted Sally from it, and harshly dropped her in the tank. 
Sally flicked her salmon pink tail at the glass hoping it would shatter. 
The only thing she achieved was several large bruises.
Then she began to cry big drops of silvery water, stuck in a tank, with no family, she was alone.

Y/n woke up to the sound of Tommy and Dream banging on her door yelling.
"FOR WHATTT?!" Y/n yelled still in her bed.
"WE HAVE A MUSICAL TO GO WATCH IN TOWN!" Dream yelled laughing.
"OH SHIT-" Y/n began to speed run getting dressed.
For the record it took her less than two minutes to get dressed in the short grey dress, along with a darker grey cape.
Y/n ran out of the room past Dream and Tommy still sliding on her black boots.
"HURRY UP THEN." Y/n yelled back at the two.
Then she bumped into someone, sending both into a suit of armor.
Tommy covered his mouth and started laughing.
"Good morning." Came a familiar monotone voice.
"Ah, Techno, good morning-" Y/n said smiling sheepishly.
"As for you, child." Y/n added turning to Tommy as she flipped him off.
"I can't believe you teach me." Tommy said crossing his arms over his chest.
"I'm not your 'teacher' I torture you while yelling instructions at you." Y/n said as she stood up.
"I see no difference." Tommy said 

After the excessively long carriage ride down into the city they head to a large theater.
"So what are we watching?" Y/n asked Niki
"Tommy didn't wan't to watch an opera so we decided on a musical." Niki said 
"Its called Hamilton, it's about a fictional country going through a revolution." Wilbur said shrugging 
Y/n nodded as the group continued walking.
"Thats the theater, It's been awhile since we've been here." Wilbur said pointing at a large building at the corner of the street, bright yellow lanterns flickered at the door way.
Intricate stone designs decorated the roof, alongside large stone gargoyles.

The inside of the theater was decorated with red curtains, and dim lights, and gold trim.
"Damn, I didn't know it would be this nice." Dream said looking around.
"Our seats are through those stairs." Technoblade said pointing towards a set of stairs.
The group of young adults, clambered up the stairs, with Y/n shoving Tommy, and Tommy pushing Y/n into the banister.
"Fuck you child." Y/n said grinning as the two raced ahead of the rest of the group.
"I'm not a child." Tommy said trying to hide his smile, no matter how hard Tommy would try and deny it, Y/n was slowly becoming the older sister he never wanted.
"Surreee, what ever." Y/n said as they reached the top of the stairs.
At the top of the stairs was a platform that looked down at the stage, underneath was an ocean of chairs, on the platform was some chairs, and wood railings.
Tubbo and Ranboo quickly followed Tommy and Y/n.
"Oh, Y/n you didn't have breakfast yet, right?" Ranboo asked
"No, I slept in too late." Y/n grumbled
"Here, we had extras." Ranboo said handing Y/n a croissant.
"Thanks youuuuu." Y/n said smiling.
Niki, Minx, Wilbur, Dream, Techno, George and Sapnap finally came up the stairs.
"Damn, what took you guys so long?" Y/n asked from one of the chairs. 
"Maybe we weren't racing children up the stairs." George said sitting down.
 Y/n scoffed and started to eat her croissant.

In the stairwell behind the platform several men, decked to the nines with weapons crouched, waiting for orders. 
"Remember what she told us." One whispered to the others unsheathing his sword.
"Not to hurt them, unless needed." Came a chorus of whispers. 
 They slowly crept out of the stair well.

Minx turned around hearing the carpet rustling, "Who the fuck are you?" 
Y/n stood up, "Put down the weapons."
The men stood in place unwavering, from what Y/n could tell there were twelve men.
Y/n watched as they stepped forward.
"We'll need to take you with us." The man in the front said pointing to Y/n.
At this Technoblade stood up next to Wilbur, "Why?" 
"Ask her." The man said smiling maliciously
"Um, I honestly have no idea." Y/n said pulling a dagger from out of her pocket.
"I doubt that." The man said now scowling, "But If you won't come with us we'll take you by force." 
"No thanks." Y/n said
The man stepped forward brandishing his saber at Y/n.
Y/n slipped out of the way, "No need to be violent." She said grabbing the man's wrist.
The man punched Y/n in the face, Y/n felt blood dripping down her face.
She grimaced and spun the knife into the man's stomach, and yet her continued to try and knock her out. 
"Oh come on..." Y/n said through a mouth of blood.
Technoblade stood in front of Y/n and pulled a rapier out from his sheath.
"I don't need your help..... Also, where the fuck did you get that?" Y/n asked frowning.
The rest of the men started to attack the others, "If you haven't noticed, you're bleeding." Technoblade said blocking the man's weak attempts to stab him.
"And?" Y/n said punching a guy in the sternum that was trying to push Minx off the platform.
"Y/n marry me." Minx said as she kicked a man off the balcony.
"I will, how the hell did you do that?" Y/n said grinning as she leaned over the railing to look at the man Minx had pushed over the balcony. To her surprise the man was still holding onto the rail.
The man grabbed her wrist and pulled her down off the platform so that she was dangling over a fifteen foot drop.
Y/n grabbed the rail and kicked the man, and watched as he fell, she heard the people in the audience yelling but none saw the girl, hanging from the railing. Y/n cursed under her breath, as she heard what everyone was saying from the platform.

"Where the hell did Y/n go?" Tommy asked 
"I'm here, on the rail." Y/n said, "Could you like, pull me up? I think my hands are slipping." 
"How did you get over there?" Dream asked as Y/n felt a cold hand grab hers.
"I did something dumb, did you get all the rest of those guys?" Y/n asked feeling someone pulling her up.
"We knocked them out if thats what you're asking." Wilbur said 
Finally Y/n was above the rail and was able to see who had pulled her over the railing.
It was Technoblade, his pink hair had fallen out of its usual ponytail and fell around his face framing it perfectly. Dripping out of the corner of his mouth was blood.
Y/n coughed, "What happened to your mouth?"
"I got punched, but more important, who were they?" Technoblade asked
"I said already, didn't I? I don't know who the fuck they were, nor why they came after me." Y/n said wiping the blood from her nose onto her sleeve. 
"Shit, it's still bleeding." Y/n muttered
"Y/n they where pirates." Wilbur said
"Great, and?" Y/n asked looking down at her hands which were splattered with blood.
"Are serious, you can't even remember your mom's real profession?!" Tommy exclaimed exasperated, on the verge of yelling.
Everyone else other then the three Valorian princes looked confused.
"How many times do i have to remind you, she was a wandering trader...." Y/n said with her head in her hands.
"She wasn't, she was a pirate. A pirate of the long line of heirs of Ayers." Technoblade said quietly
Dream and Tubbo's mouths fell opened, but Dream was the first to speak, "Her family was the one that tried to kill my father?" He asked stunned.
"What?! I..... I don't believe you." Y/n said half whispering
"We have proof, but can we go back to the castle and clean up?" Wilbur asked
"Yeah, I think i need to treat my eye." Niki said, one of the areas around her eye was swelling and turning purple.
Y/n closed her eyes. There was a part of her that really wanted to believe them she wanted to finally know why all the things in her life had happened the why they had, but she knew it wasn't true.
"Alright, let's go then." Y/n sighed 

As soon as they arrived at the castle Y/n tried to hurry away from the group to think about everything that had happened but one person saw her.
"Y/n? Where are you going?" Technoblade asked following the girl
"I just need to think about all this for a minute.." Y/n said stopping with her hand on the handle of her door, just about to open it.
"Here, I'll help you with your nose." He said
"What about your mouth?" Y/n asked opening the door to her bedroom.
"I can take care of it." technoblade said shrugging as the two walked into Y/n's room.
Y/n just sighed and walked into the bathroom with Technoblade.
Y/n leaned against the counter, "How do you deal with millions of thoughts at the same time?"
Technoblade blinked, he had always had voices in his head since he was young, always either yelling about E, and being late, or wanting blood in the past year the demands for blood had calmed and came rarely. 
"I focus on a single one, and make it the center of my thoughts..." Technoblade said walking over to Y/n.
Y/n turned leaning her back against the marble sink.
Technoblade sighed, "I'm going to clean the dry blood off your face."
Y/n nodded as Technoblade placed his hand next to her hip, leaned down and began to gently wipe the blood off her lips and nose.
"What about your mouth? its probably worse then my nose,here..." Y/n said turning and grabbing a towel and wetting it.
"I-" Technoblade blinked as Y/n started to wipe blood off his mouth.
After a couple minutes Y/n was satisfied, "Alright... How do you think Niki's eye is? It looked pretty bad..."
"We have medicines that Wilbur knows how to use.." Technoblade said shrugging
Y/n nodded finishing cleaning off her face.
"Well, we're all done, so whats the proof you have that my mom was a pirate." Y/n said dropping her towel in the sink.
"Its in the map room, we should gather all the adults that where with us today." Technoblade said 

After gather all the adults that had been with them they finally sat down in the green and gold map room.
"So i guess Y/n wants-" Wilbur started but frown hearing loud pounding on the door.
Wilbur strode over to the door and opened it a crack to see who it was.
"Why didn't you invite us three?" Came a familiar voice.
"Goddamn it, Tommy, because you three aren't adults yet." Wilbur said closing the door and locking it.
There was some yelling from outside of the door, but after a few minutes Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo finally left.

"Now that that problem is out of the way, here's your proof Y/n." Wilbur said pulling out a large brown leather box and setting it on the table. 
Y/n opened the box and sitting right there on top was a picture of a woman holding a baby, the baby looked stunningly similar to Y/n.
"The caption is 'Andromeda and Y/n'....... and we're surrounded by pirates." Y/n said shakily as she sat down.
"So its true..." Dream said
Y/n began to look through the rest of the box, It contained several letters, notebooks, clothing and a spyglass.
"I can't believe my parents would keep this from me.." Y/n said starting to read one of the letters.

"Dear Aria,

You know that i left you that glass vial encrusted with little gem stones? Remember, only use it when you find her as an adult, you'll need it.
Life here is a chore, I do the same thing all day, I miss greatly.
I can't wait to be rid of this child and my insufferable husband. I will soon be able to return to the sea with you, don't forget about the vial.
I love you dear,
 - Mother
I'm guessing, I'm 'this child' and my father is the 'insufferable husband' so she really didn't want me....... But who's Aria?"
Y/n asked handing Wilbur the letter.

"I have no more clues then you do.." Wilbur said, Handing Niki the letter.
Y/n got the first journal out of the brown box beginning to read it silently, with Techno reading over her shoulder.

The journal was just a log book but one paragraph caught Y/n's eye.

I have hidden the treasure for Aria, but to get it she must make a sacrifice like I did. So i made the unwanted one the heir. Aria will not struggle with this task for sure.

"What does that mean?" Y/n asked Technoblade
"How would I know?" Technoblade said sitting down next to Y/n 
"I've been thinking... I wan't to find this Aria if it really is like my mother is insisting, then she's my sister." Y/n said
At that statement the room went quiet. So quiet you could almost hear Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy eaves dropping. Almost.

"I'll come with you." Minx said grinning
"I'm guessing we all are? We have to anyways, this is a family of people that has tormented several kingdoms mercilessly, we need to take them to court and put them on a trial." Technoblade said looking around for any objections.
"We've all forgotten one key factor in this............." Wilbur said, "We need to prepare, and we need to find out where this Aria is." 
"We know that." Minx said pulling the stack of letters toward her.

For three days this group met in the Map room, and studied the letters, and the notebooks for clues, and locations. And for three days, our favorite three minors eaves dropped, and planned about how they where to somehow, convince, or trick Wilbur into letting them go with the adults.
Technoblade and Wilbur had already told their father and mother about the situation, and they had agreed to allow them on this quest.
Y/n would have her daily lessons with Tommy, but both would pretend everything was normal.

This was the beginning of the adventures yet to come. Not only Y/n's adventure, but the many more that laid ahead of the group.
(A/n I'm going to start putting the word count at the end of each chapter
Word count:2642
Expect longer chapters lmao)

𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖇𝖑𝖊𝖒 ||TechnobladexReader||Where stories live. Discover now