Chapter 1

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Its cold, I think to myself walking home . Why did we have to move England? I was content in Maine, happy almost, my eyes wander to the people around me: young people, businessmen, and all sorts of odd looking people. My eyes focus back on the road. I'm just a few miles away. Just then my phone begin to vibrate, I pulled it from my pocket and answered it.


"Hello? oh my, Alyssa darling, your father and I were thinking of having dinner so we were wondering if you could stay at one of your friends place?" I sigh.

"Okay mom." She starts to thank me but I hang up before I hear another word.

Dinner sure.. That's just another way of saying her and my stepdad are going to have some alone time. I shudder at the thought. I pass an old business building its odd there's never been any people in there, it's always...empty, I dismiss the thought. I had some money on me I could probably afford a night at a motel, I just need to find one. Just then as if in answer to my prayers I spotted a little sign that read Jacks Motel. I smiled and began to walk towards it.

"Yes." I whispered to myself as I walked inside.

The air was oddly cold but still warmer than the streets. The man at. the front desk wore a black pin striped suit with a black tie, top hat and white gloves. hanging from the ceiling above him was another sign reading NO TRAPPING.

That's weird why would someone need a no trapping sign in a motel? I rush the thought through my head as I slowly to the front desk.

"Hello little girl welcome to Jacks Motel!" I gulped nervously, his voice sounded a little too... creepy, he kinda reminded me of the joker.

"Ah-I'd like a room please..."

"For the night?" His voice made my skin crawl.

"Y-yes please," he reached into his jacket pocket pulling out a key.

"Room thirteen," he smiled and handed my the key.

"Th-thank you.." I stutter.

As I walked up the stairs it was silent. I finally got my room, I hastily jammed my key into the door, unlocking it and rushing into my room, slamming the door behind me. Inside it was almost completely black except for a few white stripes running down the curtains and sheets. I walked over to the bed and laid down, my eyes began to flutter close

I was awoken to the sound of my phone ringing.

Shit I put the ringer on. I groggily picked it up and answered.

"Hello?" on the other line I could hear heavy breathing, the sound was almost hollow.

"You shouldn't be here little girl." I shot up, my eyes darting around the room.

"What- who are you!?" I held the phone with my shoulder as I grabbed my purse and got up and moved to the window.

"You shouldn't have come."

"Shit. Shit!" I hung up the phone putting it in my purse then using both hands began to pry the window open.

"Come on!" I finally managed to pull the window open. I heard the voice again this time, right behind me

"Don't run!"

My heart was beating out of my chest as I crawled out of the window got ready to jump. before I kept I turned and caught a glimpse of something in the darkness. I screamed letting go of the window seal and began to fall. as I flew through he air time seamed to slow, I felt... at peace.. until the ground came rushing up to meet me. I hit the ground on my back and a felt my spine snap and began to scream in pain. my eyes began to grow heavy as I watched the dark silhouette approach me. he was tall and his eyes were like scarlet, they starred at me and I could barley make out a smile creep across his face.

"How I'm going to punish you for trespassing in my home," he reached down and put his hand to my heart. it felt like someone holding fire to my skin, I screamed out in pain.

"Help!" Just as I stopped struggling I saw a white silhouette tackle the dark one off of me. I swung my head to the side and watched as it plunged a glowing sword into the black silhouette. my eyes then fluttered shut.

Soul Trappedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن