Work whit the friend.

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At the next day.

Ussr walked to Naz Germanys house. He ring at the door. Prussia and German Empire wonder why it's ringing at the door. Naz Germany knew that is it Ussr. Naz Germany opened the door and sayed: " Familie , das ist mein neuer Freund Ussr! ( Family, this is my new friend Ussr!) . They both stare at Ussr and Ussr wave his right  hand to them but slow.. very slow.. Naz just stayed there and watched.He grabbed Ussr's arm and grabbed him upstairs quick to his new room. Naz Germany said:" This is my new room!" . Ussr was walking very slow , because he won't make something dirty. Naz Germany showed him everything what is fun about his room. Ussr meant :"it looks so awesome!.." Naz looked at Ussr's face and he seen he is a bit sad. Naz Germany :" .. what's wrong..?" Ussr answered:" ..nah-...well.. it's because my home just looks like A PEACE OF ШЛА-" Naz Germany said : " Not so loud my Family is very strict..." Ussr was shamed. Ussr : "Oh.. sorry heh-"

Naz Germanx and Ussr walked outside.Ussr took his hand again and they walked and walked.Naz Germany asked :"where are we going to-?" Ussr said :"I'll go show you how I get money." They walked more.They walked.

They both came into a shop centre and Naz looked like it where a paradise. Ussr said to Naz G. :" And ..?" Naz G. Said : " WOA WOA WOA WOA WOAAHHH !!" Ussr giggled. Ussr meant :" This is my centre.You wanna work here-?" Naz G. Said : " OF COURSE I FREAKING LOVE IT  EEK!" Ussr is fluttering. Naz G. hugged him very hard. Ussr meant : " What job you wanna do-?" Naz G. Answerd : " What are free?" Ussr said :" all !" Naz G. Meant can I work at the office ~?" Ussr blushes: " pff- sure..!" Naz g. Hugged him.

To Be Continued

( I am so tired I have now 1 hour to sleep :,) )

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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