Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: The Demon

Later, after much screeching of anger and of pain, from the cat and from himself, respectively, Draco was sitting in the kitchen with his borrowed sweatpants rolled up to the knees, trying not to flinch as Harry saw to the bleeding cuts on both his lower legs. His shins and calves were dripping with blood.

"I told you not to egg her on," Harry said, amongst muttered Healing charms. "I warned you she'd go for you. What were you doing, anyway?"

Wincing again, Draco exclaimed, "I didn't do anything to her! I swear I didn't! I was sitting there, waiting for you, and minding my own business."

"You can't expect me to believe that, after she's reduced you to crying!"

"I'm not crying! I wasn't!" Draco contested, angrily. "These are tears of rage! She attacked me without provocation! She hates me. All because I sat in her beastly chair!"

He winced again, and Harry muttered, "Bloody hell, Malfoy. How many times did she get you? You've got like twice as many on the other leg!"

"Aiee," Draco hissed in response as Harry's charm closed a particularly deep one, and at Harry's look, he retorted, "You try sustaining lacerations as bad as these and not find your brave Gryffindor mask slipping a little," Draco said, flinching as another scratch was closed under a Healing charm. And another.

Both of Harry's socks he was wearing were now covered in blood, from the drips smeared down to his ankles. Pure blood, Draco noted to himself absently. Just as Harry had predicted. Glumly, he added, "I wasn't doing a thing to her, this time. I hadn't even looked at her. The demon creature just went for me."

"Probably because you were still in there on your own," Harry noted, finally closing the last deep cut. Harry muttered another charm and the blood disappeared from his legs and socks. "I shouldn't have left you alone with her. She probably sees you as an intruder, you know."

"I guess I am," Draco admitted. "But that's hardly my fault. Everyone wants me gone. Even the damn cat."

Harry smiled weakly. "Do I get a say in this? I never said I wanted you gone." He got up from his knees now, and dusted off his jeans. "This could be a problem, though. We've only got the one bedroom, and the couch is down here, facing her chair."

"What about your study? You could clear that out."

"What?!" Harry looked agitated at this simple suggestion. "You can't have my study."

We'll see about that, Draco thought privately. "Fine. But the cat stays outside at night. She could do some good that way, earn her keep a little and catch rats or whatever."

"Maybe." Harry sounded dubious.

"It's never-ending today," Draco complained. "And now my legs are completely useless. First the nettles, and now this."

"Nettles?" Harry's tone was less than sympathetic. Was he losing Harry here? Didn't Harry realize the sheer pain and torments he'd undergone?

His eyes narrowing, he said, "Yes. For a gardener, you seem content enough to let all your weeds grow."

"That's just the sides," Harry explained. "I let it go wild so that it will deter intruders. So, really Malfoy, you should be happy they're there. I'm surprised you went straight through the nettle patch. There's an easier way around the right side."

"That's all well and good now that I'm stung and scratched up," Draco retorted. "I didn't KNOW about the nettles OR the cat, did I?!"

Harry stood up with a sigh and put his wand away. "I made coffee. Let's go sit down."

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