Cold War

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"Ahh what do we have here?" The accent was familiar but the voice was foreign to Kate and Castle's ears. Kate looked up and quickly got up realizing she was still laying on Castle's chest.
"Um we were just exploring. Ya know getting to know the space where we will be staying," Castle responded quickly.
"Yeah. Seeing as there's a refrigerator I assume we will be here for quite some time. But just one question, what are we going to put in the fridge? Are you going to bring us food to cook or is it for our leftovers?" Kate questioned in a castle-esque manner.
"Quit being a smart ass Detective Beckett. But yes we are going to detain you until we know you're not a threat to our mission," the mystery man angrily retorted.
"My turn to be the smart ass," Castle whispered into Kate's ear. Kate tried to suppress the smile that was coming. Castle turned to the man and asked, "how can we be a threat to your mission if we don't even know what your mission is?"
"Shut up! You know exactly what my mission is! I know that because your dad wouldn't shut his mouth. When he told the CIA about my government bomb lab under the nuclear reactor in Siberia I lost my lab and was forced to move. And you know what?! I would rather be getting radiation poisoning than freezing my ass off in the middle of nowhere. I have to hunt my own fucking food! There's no heating, no electricity and no damn indoor plumbing. I had the perfect equation for the biggest and most effective hydrogen bombs the world has even known," the man started shouting. He grew breathless and had to pause. Kate and Castle smirked at each other, both with the same idea: ask more stupid questions. They knew the angrier he got the more he would reveal.
"Ohhhh.... So YOU'RE Peter Kruschev." Castle saints as if he had just figured it out.
"Yes I'm Peter Kruschev, who the hell else could I be?"
Castle knew it was a rhetorical questioned but answered any way, "I don't know. Dr. Jekyll? No. Maybe you could've been Einstein. Wait no, just kidding, and you didn't come up with the theory of relativity." Castle was beaming and Kate was convincingly hiding her amusement.
Kruschev was getting irritated. "Stop it! I bet your father gave you a very detailed description of me along with other background information. Like how I'm too god damn old to be planning a bio terror attack and way too old to be building the bomb. Well that's what protégés are for right? Well I've got a bright one and he brought you here today. Yep that's right Nikolai Rustić is my protégé who knew my son could be so smart."
Son? It was a set up. Castle looked as if he had just seen a ghost. Kate reached out to hold his hand in support. Castle looked down and whispered into Kate's ear, "How could someone my father trust so much be trying to destroy him?" This thought brought a shiver down both of their spines.

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