chapter one: squirrels gone wild

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it was just anther normal day at kmhs kate miller high school was named after some girl who died a thousand years ago in our town. kmhs is a fairly new campus with all the latest gadgets . it still had that new school smell , you know paint ,crushed dreams, tears and lemon pledge. almost every student here live in this fancy gated community. for those of us whose parents didn't have money to blow their noses in life kinda sucked at school. out side of school was a different story though we didn't have much money but no matter we where teased we always made the best out of the situation. one day i walked into kmhs expecting it to be normal boy was i wrong! i met my two best friends mike and Jules in the hallway . we milled around and talked about our mornings .mike apparently had rolled out of bed onto his cat ,and Jules had spilt cereal on her shirt....twice. the bell rang  and we ran to get to class on time. we where laughing for no reason, i think we where just being happy that in that moment we stood together invincible. we slid down the stirs using the railings as a slide .once our feet hit the ground our science classes door was in view, the warning bell rang and we ran into the class room.we scurried to the back of our class room where in the corner between two book shelves sat a small rectangular table that fit only three perfectly . we slumped into our chairs gasping for breath and laughing at each others red faces. seconds later the class bell rang and Mrs.bell entered the class room from he science closet. Mrs.bell is a middle aged woman with sandy blonde curly hair,a blinding white smile,and eyes the color of the ocean surf on a summer day. needless to say Mrs.bell was our favorite teacher science just seemed to come alive in her class *wink wink*. this week was fetus formation information week . mike who was an averaged sized guy about 5 foot 8 inches,shaggy brown surfer boy hair ,and green eyes that sparkled  like emeralds, he decided too say that a six weeks a fetus looks like a squirrel. Jules elbowed him. Jules who's 6 foot 1 inch who's hair was black as a ravens wing and eyes like dark syrup . mike looked impossibly dwarfed sitting net to her we all had lovingly given each other nick names Jules's nick-name was giraffe , mikes was flip, and mine was little goose. i  rain am a whopping five feet tall ,110 lbs,blonde hair, brown eyes and the anger issues of a female goose once you threaten her baby' the whole class continued to ramble on about squirrel and human fetuses i had a brilliant idea ... why not make science come a little bit more ... alive! i focused on the jar sitting on the podium, i closed my eyes and visualized a squirrel on top of it . i imagined its tiny hind paws with tree climbing claws,its grey busy tail, the white patch of fur on its pudgy little body, i imagined its soft brown-black eyes, its oval face,large teeth,and its teeny front paws. i opened my eyes and willed it to be and with a loud popping sound it suddenly appeared. all of the students did what humans do best , they panicked "what a freaking coincidence" mike whispered to only the three of us " don't be a dummy mike squirrels don't just appear because you want them to " Jules giggled and gave him a playful shove. mike sat there starring at his hands then suddenly said "maybe they do '" with one jump he was on top of the table shouting " i am the squirrel lord i control them allllll ahhaahhaahahhaah" every one in class stopped dead in their tracks and started laughing at him some one called out" sit down you poor dork" " it probably got through a vent and found its way in here you dummy" another yelled mike sat down in his chair discouraged "awwww mike" i cooed " you can control squirrels if you really wanted to . hey what do you say to me making a squirrel lord costume for you"  he pumped his fist in the air and replied "heck yeah" after we coaxed the squirrel out the window we started to pack up . the exit bell finally rand and we raced to the door to become a drop of water in the flood of the hallway.

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