rain run

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i awoke the next morning to  the screeching of sirens . i ran that's what my instincts said . she had called the police on me i knew it . i could already imagine the  cold metal table, the doctors in masks their metal tools ready to rip open my brain. I'm particularly fond of that part of my body . i would never wish to have it cut out of me !i continued running down the road as all of these thoughts swam in my head. i used my powers to lift me onto roof and run over power lines . as my feet touched the cables of the electric wire i felt a surge of energy flow through my body . my body rose from the thin wire into the air. the sirens growing softer as i zoomed through the air . i leaned my head back and a crack of thunder boomed through the air i was enveloped in a ball of energy. i shot into the air feeling as my body where light as air. i forgot my problems as i left them down below me and the clouds. i soared through the clouds spinning and laughing as my entire body got soaked by water droplets . as i willed my body to go higher above the clouds i felt the sun warm my cheeks. suddenly i feel a cold shiver down my spine ,it felt as if so one was up here with me but that was impossible. i saw a flash of movement out of the corner  of my eye i quickly spun around to see a dark haired boy just dart   under the clouds out of my sight .

'HEY STOP, WAIT" i yelled after him

"not a chance my little rainbow , you'll have to catch me first" the mysterious boy yelled back

then just as he had suddenly shown up he was gone.  he had disappeared just like that. i could tell that they boy was roughly the same age as me,dark shaggy hair the cutest freckles and piercing electric blue eyes  . the real question was what was a 15 year old boy doing chasing me above the clouds. i had to find out but for the rest of the day i felt as if those eyes followed me.

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