Chapter-2 Part-2

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I told Horikita that I'll convinced Sudou, Ike and Yamauchi to join her study group but how I'm supposed to do that. Before my score was revealed I was somewhat close to them. They didn't even invite me to hang out anymore. I know they are a bit wired but I enjoyed their company. It's feel good to have friends with who you can talk about useless stuff. A little bit of me also wants them to pass the test.


I glanced around the classroom and saw that Sudou and others are already left. I checked the time on my phone, there is still some time left before Sudou club activities started. They probably went to their usual hang out spot which was the convenience store. Making up my mind I packed my things and left the classroom.


When I got there, they were standing near the front gate of the convenience store. I wave my hand at them but ignore it.

"This is not going to be easy," I thought as I approached them. After some half-hearted greetings, I get straight to the point.

"What you guys going to do about midterms," I asked.

"Oh, we'll just cram the night before the test," Sudou answered. Ike and Yamauchi nodded in agreement.

"I don't think that's going to be enough. You all do know that if you failed the test you'll be expelled," I warned them.

"Just because you're smart and have a girlfriend, doesn't give you the right to order us around," Ike snapped.

"What! I have a girlfriend. Where that comes from?" I pondered.

"There's a rumour that you and Horikita know each other before coming to this school. That's why you two takes the same bus and were sits next to each other. You must very happy to be placed in the same class as your lover and having your seat near her's," Ike exclaimed. His voice is getting louder and louder.

"You guys have misunderstood something. I only meet Horikita after coming to this. Us taking the same bus was a complete coincidence. Forget about being a boyfriend, I'm not even her friend. We just neighbour who happened to sit next to each other," I tried to clear their misunderstanding.

"Then explain why Horikita only talks to you in the whole class. You two goes to the cafeteria together and you even had lunch with her," This time it was Yamauchi who spoke.

"How they know that," I thought.

Before I could say anything Sudou cut me off.

"You're just like her, high and mighty. No wonder you two are going out. You think you know what better for us. Just leave us alone. We did not need your help and don't bother us again," Sudou said that angrily. If I press him further he might punch me so I back off.


"Who could spread such a rumour?" I thought. After returning to my room I laid down on my bed.

There were two other Class D students apart from me and Horikita, Koenji and Kushida on bus that day. At first, I thought it Koenji who spread the rumour because he knows about me and my past but it's very unlikely. He's the type of person who faces his opponents head-on. He's also a socially outcast, so I doubt that he can spread such rumours.

Next is Kushida, I don't know much about her other than she's a bright and energetic girl who wants to be friends with everyone. Her grades are also good. She's a very sociable person. A central figure in Class D. For her, it's very easy to spread such rumours. But what she would gain from it. Although there is also a possibility of third-party involvement in this, a student who I didn't notice on the bus or a student from another class.

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