Naked and Confused

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Johnny looked around, completely baffled. He was sitting on a stack of hay and was surround by hay bails as well. The smell of manure assaulted his nose and immediately made him dry heave.

He stood up and realized, he was in fact naked. Feeling self conscious for what was probably the first time in his life he decided to put the duster on. It fit perfect. Like it was made for him.

Looking up he noticed tall wooden rafters, definitely not machine built. There were nests in the rafters and barn swallows flew in and out of the upper doors. He had only seen something like this in movies and shows.

The walls were made in the same fashion as the rafters and roof. Rough cut wood. He noticed to his left was a passage way with dim light shining through. Slowly he crept along the rough wooden walls until he reached the opening.

Four stalls lined the hallway, two on each side. This was like something he'd seen in a western. Where the hell was he and how the hell was he here?

"Hello?" He called out.

A chestnut colored horse head poked out from the stall nearest to him. It whinied softly and studied Johnny with its large onyx eyes.

"I don't suppose you talk do you?"

The horse rubbed its neck along the wooden gate. Hanging halfway down was a name plate with hand carved letters. It read, Sock.

"Sock? Is that your name?"

The horse seemed to know its name as it turned to fully face Johnny. It sniffed the air as Johnny crept closer. Slowly he reached his hand out and placed it on Sock's nose.

A small gasp from the barn entrance startled Johnny, which in turn startled Sock. Sending the chestnut colored horse back into its stall.

In the entranceway, a girl in a yellow sundress stood. She appeared to look about fourteen. Her blonde hair cascading around her face and down her shoulders. Large green eyes stood wide open as she regarded Johnny. In a trembling voice she spoke, "Are you from Cor?"

What the hell was she asking him?

He stood, dumbfounded, with no real clue as to what he should say.

"Are you my wish from Cor, to send me a husband?" She asked as she stepped towards Johnny.

"Uhhh, I'm definitely a gift." He said, giving her his best smile.

She was holding a basket of eggs and she set them on the ground. Her smile widened as she stepped further into the entranceway and looked Johnny up and down.

"You're naked."

Johnny looked down and saw that he was definitely naked except for the duster and hat. "You're not wrong."

"I've prayed for so long that Cor would send me a husband to take me away from this wretched town. You're my dream come true!" She said as her smile widened.

"Look, I'm not sure what you're talking about. It sounds really cool and all but I'm probably old enough to be your dad." Johnny said as he took a step back.

She put her hand to her mouth and stifled a sob. Oh shit, was she about to cry?

"Hey listen, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I have money." He instinctively reached for his wallet and realized again that he was naked.

"Ok, I have money. Just not on me. My's uh..not here obviously. I'm not even sure where here is, but if you can tell me where I am. I can find an ATM and give you money for clothes and whatever."

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