But i love him! (Gaara love story) naruto fanfic

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Name: Chloe

Age: 12

Description: big blue eyes and long blond hair. She wears a skirt and a tee shirt both sky blue. She Carries around a fan like Temari and has puppets like kankuro. Is a sand shinobi. And she is blind

Jutsu: wind puppets and Taijutsu

Other: Her parents were killed during a mission trying to kill the shukakau's jinchuriki is looked after by the forth Kazekage.


I don't see what's wrong with him. He hasn't done anything. But why? Why is he alone? I want to help him, but them say stay away. Why does everyone ignore him or run away? Poor boy he's the same age as me.



I turned around and saw the beast. Mom picked me up and ran. Dad was gone and the raccoon thingy beast kept on hitting buildings. A tear rolled down my cheek. Suddenly the beast turned towards us and chased mom and me. Mom ran faster and I screamed for my dad but he was gone. The beast hit the building and it started to shake on top of us. I felt my Moms heart beating faster.she then threw me out of the way as the building fell down tears rolled down my cheeks. Mom. I screamed as I tried to move the building and as I looked up I saw sand. Sand everywhere my eyes widened as 5o tons of sand fell on me.

I woke up on a hospital bed not able to see. Everything was black. I heard rushing medical ninjas. "She's awake!" I heard a doctor call. Was it mom was she awake? Did they find her? I blinked, I really wanted to see what's going on where was my mother was the raccoon gone? I'm so scared.

"Why can't I see? Where am I? Where's mommy? I'm scared!" Tears rushed down my cheeks. "Hello your Chloe right?" I heard a voice say" I am here to help so please can you tell me how did you hurt your eyes?" I teared up I didn't want a voice I wanted mom! Whoever done this to me would have to pay!

End of flashback------

I never thought I was blind.

I could see as well as everyone else, Just with my other senses. Sounds weird I know but it's true. Just imagine the world your in now but in black and white. That's what I see. Not hard to imagine is it. I sat in the waiting room as my name was called I walked into Dr Drawf's room.

"Do you need any help Chloe?" I sighed I told him I could see.

" I'm fine" I sat on the chair as he looked at my eyes.

"Hmmmmmm it seems they are no longer in any danger of being permanent" I smiled.

"How long left till there healed?!"

"A year or so probably at the leaf's chunnin exam" I groaned

"But I want to participate in the chunnin exams" I pouted everything always happened to me. I left the room and walked home to the kazekage quarters. Suddenly some kids came running from the road to my right. I walked down slowly and felt a strong presence I turned towards whoever it was.

"Why are you looking at me like that?!" The voice said it was full of hate and loneliness

"Errr sorry I'm blind I can't see" I lied wow that lie really came in handy. I felt him walk closer "Hm are you really" I felt somebody peer into my eyes and see my soul (nice thought) "your not lying!" He sounded surprised

"Sorry I have to get home to the kazekage quarters see ya" he froze

"Your that girl?!" Then with that he walked away leaving me alone. I shivered his Charkra was so so... Powerful


Yaaaay first chapter

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