Sheep Sheep?

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Yutaaaaaa's student: Hey guys?

Sun: What's up?

Brat of wayv: What u need Shotaro?

Yutaaaaa's student: Oh it's really nothing but I wanted to know how u guys got to know Yangyang

Mad cutie: Well that's a very long story I don't have the brain cells for

Muscle bby: Renjun no one was talking to u 

Nana: But yes it was a long time ago when Yangyang debut I mean this is how this chat came to be let us take u down memory lane~


2000 line group chat

Sun: Guysssssss did u hear???

Foxy: Hear about what? That ur a pain?

Sun: Uh rude, but not what I was talking about

Sun: I'm talking about the new sub unit! Their maknae was born in 2000 like us!!

Nana: Oh cool so what do we have to do?

Sun: Well we make a new friend :)

Muscle bby: And if he doesn't want to me friend with us?

Sun: Who wouldn't want to be friends with me???

Foxy: Once they get to know u they won't 

Sun: :(

Nana: Hey hey hey 

Nana: Let's calm down Lucas hyung is in the sub unit right?

Sun: Yes so is Ten hyung, Kun hyung and Winwin hyung

Nana: Okay we can have one of them make a chat for us with their makane in their too

Nana: Sound good?

Foxy: Yea ig

Sun: Someone is still salty for not being in WayV

Muscle bby: Wait I thought it was going to be called Nct V?

Foxy: No it's WayV cuz of things between China and Korea and I'm not salty

Sun: Sure ur not let's just change our names so he knows who is who

Nana: Okay

Nana changed his name to Jaemin

Sun changed his name to Haechan

Foxy changed his name to Renjun

Muscle bby changed his name to Jeno

Renjun: I'll go to the China line group chat as ask Winwin or someone to make a group chat with us and their makane 

Haechan: Sounds good bro

China line chat

Renjun: Kun or Winwin or Lucas someone in WayV answer plz

Tall and soft: What's up Renjun? Uhh y u have ur name like that?

Renjun: Haechan heard that ur makane is a 00 liner so we wanna talk to him

Kun ma: Ahh okay and HEY WHO CHANGED MY NAME BACK???

Dolphin voice: u will never caught me alive!!!

Kun ma: CHENLE!!!

Double win: Okay so what do u want us to do Renjun? 

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