Need to vent

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Alright everyone this is going to be about what's going on with Lucas. I don't know how to feel, I was actually trying to stay away from all that, but I got more into it. 

I don't have proof that what the girls said are true or not and I don't have proof that Lucas is innocent or not. 

Lucas is my ulta bias, I love him very deeply and it hurts to see him having to deal with this. 

If you guys don't know about what's going on with Lucas, it's because this one girl accused him of gas lighting her when the dated. Another girl also came forward saying that he had her buy him things like jackets and stuff.

 I don't know what to believe, I'm not saying that because Lucas is my bias I saying this this because SM doesn't know how to do things. So I'll be staying neutral for now, if all this is not true then Lucas can come off of his hiatus then he can go back to idol stuff. If it is true I don't know how I would feel. Because again it's what he's done in the past, we all make mistakes. 

I wanna believe Lucas, but I know that'll be wrong to fully believe him then people will be coming at me. I was kinda seeing the hiatus coming though, I just hope it all blows over, and I'm also wondering how Hendery is feeling with all this as well. 

I really love the talent Hendery shows us and I feel he doesn't really get to show us what he can do. I was really looking forward to Jalapeno to. I can only hope for the best for Lucas, Hendery, WayV and the rest of NCT. 

I don't know how you all feel about this, but I wanted to get this out because I have a soft spot for Lucas. If you're going to comment about this on here please be nice, to both the girls and Lucas. 

Thanks if you read this or not, Confused_StanWeeb

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