Chapter 24- Application

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Ashton and I stayed in the same spot for a long time before Ashton decided to get up and make something to eat. 

“I actually have to a gym today, I have to hand in an application, wanna tag along?” Ashton spoke first.

I was surprised I had no idea Ashton was looking for a job. I nod, “yeah sounds good, I’ll go get ready now,” I stood up to leave when I realized that I had no clothes.

Ashton noticed this too and chuckled, “don’t worry you can borrow my clothes no need to ask,” I blush and runoff.

After getting ready we took his bike to the gym, laying on Ashton’s muscular back I was sure he would get accepted immediately. We arrived in no time it was quite close to his house. An L.A. Fitness, it was huge. We walked inside and Ashton was automatically greeted. He gave me a nod and I nodded back.

I watched from afar as Ashton’s smile radiated warmth, the person who was talking to him seem to really like him. Looking around people were staring at him, especially the women, staff, and members alike. I couldn’t help glaring at them, hoping holes would bore into their eyeballs. 

“Hey, who are you glaring at like that?” Ashton came over hugging me from the side. I stepped forward away from his arm. 

“As if you don’t know, there were dozen of female eyes on you. Even the guy you were talking to was quite adament and indulged in your little chat,” I said scowling.

Ashton laughed, “you’re extremely cute when your jealous Dyl,” he taps my nose and hugs me again. “Don’t worry you’re the only one in my eyes,” he whispers sweet talking me.

“Whatever, what did the guy say, when do you start,” I ask as we walk out.

“Well, I’ll have an interview on Monday then we’ll see how things go. He did say from my physique I am most likely going to get it. Plus I have experience,” Ashton explains, he hands me the helmet as he gets onto the bike.

“Wow I didn’t know you use to work at a gym,” I said, honestly I don’t know a lot about Ashton, the moment he got here he’s been involved in my mess of a life. Probably catching what I was thinking he snorts.

“Let’s go to the park, I’ll tell you all about it,” he says grinning, 

“Can we stop at Dunkin Donuts,” I ask giving my best pouty look. He nudges me with his shoulder, “okay, let’s okay babe,” he agrees.

My stomach tosses at the sound of babe coming from his lips, made me giggle slightly and feel all hot over. I snuggle my face into his back smiling happily.

After we got our orders we stopped at the closest park and sat on a bench. 

“Tell me, what you did before coming here,” I turn to him crossing my legs while sipping on my vanilla milkshake.

Ashton turns to me, the sun beaming down on him, his head rested on his fist. I curse him for always looking too damn good in the sunlight.

“Well, when we we were in Indiana, before we came to Chicago, my sister was still in high school. She had a part-time job at Starbucks while my father took me to his gym. It was a boxing gym, there I learned how to box, I swept, mobbed the floor and wiped the sweat from the ring. I was basically clean up boy. My father said it was good discipline adn that a boyn my age, I was 14, I should be working.” Ashton explains, this was the second time has talked about the past, including mentioning his father.

“My father was really traditional type, or really old-fashion. He believed that the women should stay home and take care of the house and thats what my mom did but she put her foot down and she had finished schooling so she was already a nurse when my father met her. When they got married he made her stop working for years, its been 3-4 years since she started working again--”

Ashton was looking my way but he wasn’t staring at me, his eyes were far away looking into the past. I let the things soak in. 

“You’re father seems like the controlling type, I can relate,” I whisper, looking down.

Ashton raised my chin up, giving me a small reassuring smile. He wipes away the crumbs of the donut away from my lip. Goosebumps travel up my arms and neck, luckily I was wearing a sweater he couldn’t see the affect he had on me.

“We lived there for 4 years, we move a lot but this is the first time he was gone for so long,” Ashton says, he huffs in frustration.

“So you moved here because of your fathers work? But he’s gone, is he coming here soon?” I ask, feeding Ash with my milkshake. 

“Yeah… he actually called, that’s why I had to get this job. He had this whole, ‘I got to be the man of the house’ since he’s away,” Ashton sneers. The hatred Ashton felt for his father was evident in every part of his body. From facial expression, to his tense body and clenched fists.

“I can’t wait to see you working out, I have never seen you work out,” I say smirking and poking his pecs.

Ashton leans in a glint in his eyes, “maybe you should sign up, learn how to defend yourself,” he grabs my arm, tossing it up and letting it fall floppily. He tickles my side, “do you even eat you’re literally skin and bones, Dylan,” he teases.

I pull my arm and scoot away from him. “I eat healthy thanks to Greta-” I stop talking when I remembered I left Greta with that devil. I groan, setting my almost empty cup to the side. “What am I gonna do Ashton?” I peer at him.

“For the time being, you’ll stay with us, you’ll go from school to my house. Look on the bright side its like we’ll be living together,” he says doing a little shimmy. I laugh at his goofiness, “just focus on school, the play is a month away we’re gonna be in October next week, you don’t need to continue this day with sadness, ok?” Ashton pulls me into a hug. Subconsciously I wanted to push him away, I wasn’t use to this physical contact in public but I let it go. Feeling Ashton’s arms around me and his constant ressaurance was the best thing. Comforting and made me feel safe. 

“You’re right. Let’s take a walk I can feel the milkshake sitting at the pit of my stomach,” I groan clutching my belly. Ashton laughs at me, he reaches out rubbing my stomach, “awe poor baby Dylan,” he pouts. 

I swat his hand away, “oh and I’m coming on Monday when you do your interview. Make sure there’s no girls fawning at my man,” I announce firmly. Ashton’s eyes widened a bit, maybe at the sound of me calling him my man resonated to him like it does when he calls me babe.

He gets up off the bench, “you’re man, will gladly accept this proposal. Can’t wait to see what you’ll do if someone approaches me,” he chuckles elbowing me. 

I roll up my sleeves, doing punches in the air, Ash looks at me amused. I blush, “I’ll just pull her away by her hair,” I declare shrugging. Ashton laughs wholeheartedly and slings his arm around me as we walk around the park. 

“You never seize to amaze me Dylan,” Ashton says lovingly. 

I nod, “of course, it should stay like that,” I wink. Ashton shakes his head.

“Maybe I should go to the gym more often if I can get flirty feisty Dylan,” he confesses. I punch him in the arm, 

“Shut up!”


This chapter is hella short BUT I really wanted to update today. *fingers crossed* I can give you double updates today.
Hope you enjoyed their little cute moment. Does it feel too rushed? Lemme know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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