Chapter 20-Parents Are Home

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Dedication to my lovely reader: @Marcel19967

Tommy Miller above^^^^^ What do you think I was going to do that guy in DUFF the male lead, but I feel like Byrce from 13 reasons why's face looks hella douchey.



My alarm set off at 6:00 am I immediately got everything I needed and went to shower. After my shower I grabbed two granola bars and left the house. Unfortunately not without bumping into Greta who gave me a sympathic look. I got into my car and drove off to the nearest coffee shop.

As I was sipping my caramel brule latte business men and women passed me talking loudly to one another and to the phones glued to their ears. This only made me think of my father and mother, but I pushed my head into my play book rehearsing my lines for Act I. My mind  wandered away from Hamlet, I was focused enough to think about Ophelia and King Claudius, I can only think of the situation in my household. My parents were back, I haven't spoken to them face to face in months, they don't know if I'm gay... or bi I still have no figured out that situation. I mean I remember being attracted to Delilah and when she came out of nowhere there was that lingering feeling of want but I had Ashton and my feelings for Ash was more powerful than a seventh grade crush.

As I sipped my latte my thoughts clouded around the inevitable, my parents were going to find out about Ashton and I was ready, only four people knew about Ashton and I officially: Delilah, Greta, Denise, Ash's mother and if you really wanted to, everyone at school probably knew about Ashton and I. They whisper behind my back, but I don't know why they aren't ad blunt as Tommy they never felt shy to say to my face 'fag' 'emo-bitch' before, they knew I was gay before I did. How they knew? I have no idea, because I had no friends nor spoke to anyone I was considered a fag. My hands instantly tightened around the coffee cup,  a few drops spilling on my hand leaving a red mark behind. I sighed getting up to throw away my cup. I spent enough time wondering about my parents and sexuality, I know Greta's wise words would be: "everything will fall in place in due time." Usually I would roll my eyes at this comment but with the play and school I think I already have enough on my plate. I push the door open of Starbucks quickly walking towards my car, it was getting colder by the day and I wasn't prepared for it.


"Dylan!" my head popped out of my locker to search for the being calling my name, I smile when I see Delilah's pink hair and Ashton's towering body beside her. "Hey!" I waved, they embraced me with a hug one by one, I never knew I was a hugger. "We went by your house to see if you wanted to ride with us but Greta said you were gone," I could feel every ounce of blood rushing from my face as the thought of my parents meeting Ashton before I could introduce them crossed my mind.

"Dylan, you okay you turned whiter than a ghost," Delilah said half jokingly, I took a deep breath, I seemed to be doing that lately, taking deep breaths. "My mother and father are home and I don't know what to do," I sped through my sentence in one breath, "oh," Delilah uttered, "we didn't know, why didn't you tell us they were coming back," Ash asked, he motioned for us to walk to class. "They'd only called last night to inform me that they were coming home early, I didn't know what to do I just fell asleep," I rubbed my face anguish filling my body, "that sucks," Delilah mumbled plopping down beside my designated seat. Ashton took the other side, "what are you going to do? How is this going to play out? Are you going to tell them about us?" Ashton whispered the last part as he stared fiercely at me, I looked away turning to Delilah for help.

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