Chapter six

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Y/n pov

I slowly walked through the hall, even after every other student had gone into their classrooms. I walked through the school several times before I heard an all too familiar voice sobbing from the family bathroom. Without thinking I ran to the door and opened it. Standing right on the other side was Rolli, who looked like he had just been through Hell. His cheeks were abnormally red, and soaked with tears. His eyelids were red and irritated, both of his sleeves were soaked with what looked like water and his hair was a mess. He had looked up at me with eyes that screamed 'sadness' and 'heartbreak' My subconscious yelled at me, "It's your fault, y/n, and it's your job to fix it. Wait no—- it's Henry's fault but fix this anyway" i quickly thought. Rolli cowered slightly before I hugged him hard. His damp cheek pressed against mine. He stiffened for a while before he relaxed. I could feel his heart beating throughout my body. Almost crying myself I stated, "Rolli- I am SO sor-"
He gasped, his voice hiccuping through every word, "No- y/n- no *hic* need *hic* to apoli- *hic* gize. You like- H-h-h-Henry."
I squeezed him tighter until his breathing began to even out, which took around an hour. God, I felt terrible for what had just happened. I got a better look at him and noticed how irritated his eyes looked. Oh. "Is your shirt made out of linen?" He looked down and sighed, "Yeah... that's probably why my eyes are so irritated." He pressed his thumb against his lower eye and flinched harshly. Despite the fact that he had stopped crying, he still looked so haunted, and that broke my heart. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Rolli... I... I didn't kiss Henry on purpose... he forcefully kissed me." Rolli's eyes filled up with tears again. "Oh no I said the wrong thing." I thought, ashamed. Rolli composed himself and said, "Wow... first I make you feel guilty about getting forcefully kissed than I make you miss an hour of school... I... am so sorry." I shook my head and blurted, "No-no, it's fine, really!"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm completely sure."
Well, I knew then that Rolli actually did have a crush on me, so I figured it was my time to tell him. "Hey... I have something really important to tell you." He looked at me with sad eyes, and I continued to say, "I like you. I like-like you." His eyes widened and his mouth gaped slightly. He closed his mouth and leaned into me for a hug. Well, not really a hug, he just leaned against me and leaned his head onto my shoulder, but you know what? Close enough.

Writing this was sure something. Not to self advertise or anything, but I would love it if y'all would read my next story, "Fantasy Nightmares" when I'm finished writing it

My Dark Heart (Rolli Schmidt x reader) Hallo Aus Berlin Where stories live. Discover now