Don't cry...{bakudeku}

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"k-kach-AHH!! F-fuck!!" Izuku yelled he had just opened his eyes he was in a car that was upside down the windshield shattered glass was everywhere even stuck in his skin.

"K-kachan..." He looked next to him seeing katsukis limp body hanging upside down from his seat belt.

"S-shit...shit shit baby....wake up please..we need to g-get out..." He cried trying to move but something was stuck in his leg.

He looked up and seen a big piece of metal stabbed all the way through his leg.

"Katsuki....please....please wake up please..." He cried loudly "help us!!! Someone help please!!! Please I don't wanna die!!" He sobbed.

He tried using ofa but it made the pain worse making him let out a loud scream.

"I-izu-ku..." Katsukis mumbling voice was heard as he looked over quickly " we need to get out...I don't know what happened I'm s-scared.." he sobbed.

Katsuki gently reached out and grabbed his hand "shh...hey it's gunna be's gunna be just fine calm down..ow f-fucking hell..." He winced his legs were mangled and he had a big gash on his head that blood was dripping out of.

They suddenly heard people hitting the side windows trying to pry open the damaged doors as izuku let out whimpers and cries.

"I-izuku...I love you matter what h-happe-"

"No no no don't say that don't start! Wery gunna make it out of here and w-we are gunna live..." He cried starting to feel slightly dizzy but he shook it off.

"I-if I die..." He whispered shakily as izuku looked him in the eyes tears streaming down his face.

"Don't...cry....o-ok...." He smiled at him softly trying to make him smile. Izuku loved it when he smiled.

Izuku nodded tears rapidly streaming off his face "p-please...please don't leave me..." He whispered softly as katsukis eyes suddenly started closing.

"No no no kachan!! Kachan don't close your eyes please no!! No!! Damn it!!" He sobbed his eyes fully closing as his hand went limp and fell cold.

Izuku was holding onto hope that he was fine and he had just passed out but from the way his body looked and felt he was gone.

"I love you!! I love you!! Damn it katsuki...I l-love you..." He whispered when he suddenly fell unconscious.


"Dearly beloved...we are gathered here to day to represent a life...a hero in fact...who served us well and lived happily with his partner...he was known as a friend...a fiance...a son...and a hero to all..."

The words kept going but izuku didn't hear them. He was to busy staring at the open casket in front of him orange red and black roses on top of it.

Katsukis mother crying loudly as most of class 1A was crying as well.

Izuku was in a wheelchair his leg patched up. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see all might and his mother "go see him son.." inko whispered softly as he looked at the casket then he looked down.

He slowly wheeled himself up to him seeing a pale face covered in make up just to make his skin less lifeless. He quickly looked away as his breath hitched seeing how fake and unreal he looked.

He slowly looked back at him looking down at his hands seeing he didn't have his ring on.

"His ring...where is his ring he needs h-his ring!!" He suddenly yelled interrupting the man speaking as everyone looked over at him and he began to try and get off the wheelchair.

"Give him his ring!! He needs it!! I gave it to him!!" He yelled as all might and his mother began to try and pull him away so he wouldn't hurt himself.

"N-no mom he needs it!! He needs the ring! Please kachan!! Please!! You were supposed to marry me you fucking idiot!! Wake up!! Wake up wake up wake up!! This is your fault!! You said you were going to stay forever!! You liar!!" He yelled kirishima and shoto starting to help pull him back.

"Midoriya calm down...calm down.." shoto said.

"It's gunna be ok my son I promise you..." Inko frowned.

He looked at them and sat down his face suddenly going numb "I won't cry kachan.." he whispered to himself his face completely dry.


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