Crack DNA test

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Hey munchkies!
I'm currently watching the second episode of Agent Carter right now. It's really good!
Here's a crack shot for you! Enjoy!


It was career day and Mr. Stark was with Peter currently in his Biology class they had done a DNA test and were going to go over their DNA results for the first time while they were presenting, at the teacher's instruction. She had wanted them to not look but instead understand the process and science behind a DNA test.

"Hi guys. So for my DNA test, I used Mr. Stark's DNA," Peter gestures over to Mr. Stark who was standing off to the side. "We know that we're not related, but I don't really have any other family that I'm related to, to do it with." Peter's voice became small at the end. He looked over to Mr. Stark for reassurance, who gave him a nod and a kind smile, boosting his confidence.
Peter flipped the paper over from the teacher's desk to read the results and before he could read it out loud, he skimmed over it, then read it for real, then read it over again. He turned it around to show Mr. Stark what they had found out and he burst in tears.


Balloons started raining from the ceiling and confetti cannons went off and the whole class cheered and danced on their desks.

The end.
It's short. Like me. Peace out ✌️
~ Shira

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