Chapter 6

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{ A/N: I changed the name to fade cause it's cool and I have ideas. And 1K reads??? I honestly cannot believe this. I had noooo idea anyone like me could get this woahhhhh thansk so much guys xoxoxo }

I speed-walk down the dimly lit hallway, locate the elevator and press the UP button. I impatiently tap my foot and begin gnawing on my fingernails as if I hadn't been given a meal in days. The taste of the pink nailpolish I had been wearing swirls around my mouth, instantly causing a bitter taste in my mouth. A man in an expensive looking suit walks past me and shakes his head at my unappealing habit and I feel my cheeks becoming a shade of red. I duck my head away in embarrassment and a sense of relief comes over me as the elevator doors finally open.

I step inside and instantly become cold, noticing the freezing air emanating from the vents. I inadvertently press the lobby button, so used to doing it by now and am startled when the elevator jolts violently. I finally reach the lobby and run out towards the door and clumsily bump into a woman holding coffees.

"I am so so sorry Miss!" I say, trying to rub the stain off her white sweater.

"Oh really," she says, trying to be humble, "it's okay, you can head on your way."

"Thank you so much," I say, giving her a slight hug and speeding out the glass doorway.

I hop into my red car and pull out of the parking lot. As I reach the first light, it is green right away. "Thank you," I mutter under my breath.

I am about ten minutes away from the Smosh studio. I'm already late but I texted Matt and they said they would wait for me. I turn on the radio and Uptown Funk comes on. This is literally my jam, I think to myself, half paying attention to the road. I call Matt on the phone to tell him where I am.

"Hello," he says, obviously frustrated with my late streak lately.

"Hey Matt, it's Mari. I'm almost at the studio but the traffic is heavy over here. Really sorry about being late and all. Can you do me a favor? I had to do some extra editing in the new Maricraft-"

I see a white light in front of me and then all I see is black. And I can't remember anything else.

(Anthari Fanfiction) FadeWhere stories live. Discover now