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(Inspired by this so some things might be the same other simply derivative:
go follow em)

Super DUPER OC because we don't get much personality for either characters besides angry/hardcore for Ted and anxious for rounded goggles dude

Rounded night vision goggles soldier will just be referred to as Sniper because a name is never established and I kinda don't wanna make one up (PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF HE ACTUALLY HAS A NAME I WONT EDIT IT CUZ IM LAZY BUT I WANNA KNOW)

Bad grammar once more <3


When you're stranded alone in the wasteland that is the current world, trying to survive off scraps and anything you can scavenge, many would take up on the offer of joining any kind of organization that would provide food and shelter in exchange for any labor.

Sniper was no different.

It was a specially scorching day when Sniper was roaming around in the open. Dragging his feet and drooping his arms as he panted and took heavy breathes. Constantly reassuring himself he would eventually find something to aid him. Despite the many torn down buildings around him he could seek shelter in or scavenge, they were all still too small and closed off to go into for his own comfort as he struggled with major claustrophobia and the additional possibility of the rather withered buildings caving in was not appreciated either. The ground below him began to lightly vibrate which then it turned into a hard rumble, he whipped his head around to see what was causing the sudden change. Approaching him was a rather large tank with two figures at the top. Sniper pondered his options of running or trying to take them on, but as he spotted the rather large cannon in the front he decided to remain put. He raised his arms as a surrendering gesture as the tank got closer and came to a halt.

"Look at em' Steve," Pointed Captain "surrendering already when we haven't even spoken, how cowardly" mocked the Captain as he patted Steve's back as he laughed

Sniper tensed up as he looked in confusion not sure what to do.

"Put your damn arms down, we just need to know what your business is around these parts." Said the Captain in a friendly manner

"Just trying to find food sir." Said Sniper nervously as he slowly brought his arms down

"Are you traveling alone?" Asked Steve


"Are you associated with the Henchmen in any way? Cuz' if so we might need to blow your brains out if you are, no pressure!" Said the Captain as he cocked the cannon in Sniper direction

Sniper yelped in surprise as the cannon was pointed at him he began to nervously fidget with his hands.

"N-no sir! Not at all!" Sniper exclaimed

"How do we know you're not lying?" Said Steve as he suspiciously eyed the nervous man "I think we should just kill him Cap' for safe measure!"

Sniper swallowed a lot of spit as became even more tense

"Stevie' if I let you kill anyone we came across we would have a shortage in recruits, besides look at the kid scared shitless by a big bad gun, how old are you?" Said the Captain kindly

"25" said Sniper meekly

"Wait what the fuck? You're a grown ass man quivering like that?" Asked Captain with no remorse in a completely different tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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