shitty cars and a shitty school

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my apartment is a short walk to my new school, but considering i'm an all powerful immortal killing machine, you can probably assume that i drive a bitching car.  i pull up to school in my 1969 jet black delta 88, and park in the last open spot. i can feel the eyes of all of the pathetic car boys on me and my car, while they stand around their rusted civics. i grab my bag and start my walk towards the school. as i'm walking i hear the jokes start, mainly revolving around my height, and them questioning my ability to reach the pedals or see above the steering wheel sans booster seat. i may be just under 5 feet tall (4'10 to be exact), but that doesn't mean that i'm any less deadly. im thinking of all of the ways that i could kill, or atleast seriously harm them, when i notice that im walking past an actually decent car. i look over and notice a mint eagle talon, also painted jet black. it's not delta 88 but it's sure nice to look at. as im taking the car in, i hear someone clear their throat behind me. i turn around and see who i can assume must be the owner staring down at me. im sure if i had blood running through my veins id be blushing right now. the man standing behind me isn't very tall, but is definitely a few inches taller than me, but is the most handsome man i've ever seen. with short black hair, countless tattoos and piercings, and dressed in all black, im certain i have found the male version of myself.
"hello? did you hear anything i just said?"
oh shit, is he talking to me?
i fumble my words trying to think of what to say, which is a rare occasion for me, i actually don't think in my centuries on this earth ive found myself at a loss for words.
"i know i'm a pretty sight, but i was wondering if you could move, i kinda needa get outta here quickly, before the principal catches me" the stranger says.
first day of school and already has the principal looking for him, just my kind of guy.
"if you wanna throw him off your trail i think i might have an idea" i say to the punk.
"i'm all ears sweetheart, let's just make it fast" he replies.
"oh it'll be fast alright"
"damn this is your car, how the fuck do you afford it?" he says from the passenger seat as i speed away from the school.
"oh i just saved up for a long while" i reply "i should probably introduce myself since you're riding in my car, the names samantha"
"nice to meet you samantha, my names iero, frank iero" replies who i now know to be frank.
"oh, a gentleman i see"
"well i've never been called gentle before" frank says while winking. i start to laugh, briefly looking over at him while flying through an intersection.
maybe i'll fit in at this school better than i thought.
"not to ruin the fun but are you gonna run this tank dry or are we gonna go somewhere" he asks
"well you're quite forward" i say, in an (failed) attempt to make him blush "are you hungry? we could go grab food somewhere" not that i'd be able to eat at any of the restaurants here, but just to be considerate i thought i'd ask.
"no thanks" he says with a bit of a smirk "no restaurant here serves anything i like"
that's odd, i thought humans were supposed to love any and all food.
"well if there's no where you'd like to stop maybe we could go back to your place?" i suggest "id take you to mine but i left in such a hurry this morning that i don't think i'd be able to live with myself if anyone saw the state of it"
"we can sure go to my place, i just have to warn you that my friends are home from university and are quite the characters" frank says, while once again smiling.
we continue driving, with frank giving me directions, until we reach a quaint mid century modern house. there's nothing particularly special about the house, or the streets around it. just your average new jersey neighborhood. i park my car out front, beside a mint condition subaru xt. i make a mental note to chat with frank about him and his friends taste in cars.
we're walking up to the door, and as soon as frank puts his hand on the handle, the door flies open.
"jeez frankie who's car did you steal" says a tall dark haired man. he's looking at my car, then slowly realizes i'm standing right in front of him. "damn frankie, you already found a new hoe on the first day? senior years gonna be great if you keep this up" the dark haired man laughs.
"fuck off gee" frank says "first off, she's not some knew hoe, she seems to actually have a personality. and secondly, i didn't steal that car, it happens to belong to samantha" the person called "gee" stops for a second and looks at me and then turns and looks at the car. he laughs, and then starts to talk when i cut him off "if you make a height joke i will cut your tongue off and feed it to my dog" i threaten, which makes him look genuinely scared, and then he slowly walks back inside. "crazy bitch" i hear him say under his breath. "i heard that moron" i shout back, taking him by surprise, because there's no way a normal human should have been able to hear that.
fuck, i need to remember more that not everyone has as good of senses as i do.
i turn back to frank as i hear the boy start to climb a set of stairs, most likely going to his room to bitch about me to his diary or whatever the fuck he uses to "let out his feelings".
"that's gerard" frank says "he's a second year art student, total jackass, but is my best friend" we finally walk inside of the house and are met with two more boys, both playing video games on a couch.
"yo frank did you already get kicked out man? that must be some sort of record" says a nerdy looking boy in glasses "fuck off mikey i didn't get kicked out, just had to run from principal miller"
"who's car did i hear pull up" says the other boy "cause i'm certain yours doesn't sound that nice" "that'd be samantha's car" frank states to the room "she was my getaway driver for today, and fuck you ray my car sounds amazing"
mikey and ray look up from their game, as a look of awe crosses their face. "damn i didn't know there was any goth bitches in belleville, how'd you find this one" mikey practically drools
"i didnt find her, she seems to have some sixth sense for finding the coolest dude in jersey" frank gloats
"actually, i was wondering who in their right mind daily's an eagle, when i met a moron in desperate need of a drive in a good car" i say to the room, but mainly directed towards frank.
"ouch, that one hurt" he clutches his chest, and takes a couple steps like he was just stabbed (not that i know how people react when they're stabbed or anything)
"get a room" says mikey, as ray says "dont fuck right there"
me and frank both laugh, while making eye contact. neither of us break the eye contact until frank raises his eyebrows, obviously asking me to follow him. we walk down the stairs into the basement, and i'm met with a time capsule straight out of 1970. the wood paneling and shag carpet reminds me of the flat i had in london with my girlfriend at the time. "wow, such a romantic place you've taken me" i joke "is this how you get all of your hoes?" frank laughs before sitting on a faded leather couch. "make yourself at home" he says. i look around, and spot a door i assumes goes into the bathroom. "if you don't mind i'm just gonna run to the bathroom" i say to frank, who's currently going through a stack of cds. i notice hes currently holding the latest misfits album.
wow he has good taste.
"yeah bathroom is just at the end of the hall" frank replies. "light switch is right by the stairs if you need the light" i chuckle while walking into the darkness of the hallway, knowing that i didn't need the light to see. i walk into the bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror. my first day at school was already better than i could have imagined, and first period wasn't even over yet.

omg i love how this chapter turned out, i hope y'all liked it too. idc about any spelling mistakes because it's 3 am while i'm writing this, but if y'all have any specific people you'd like written in or like any ideas pls lmk

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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