Chapter 1

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They were backing close to the edge of the ship as their sword clanged against the woman's. They continued to retreat, but suddenly their leg hit the ledge of the ship. They gulp, continuing to defend themselves.

"Got nowhere to run now, do you?" The woman said, laughing slightly as she saw the fear in her opponent's eyes.

Their swords clanged loudly again as they hit one another. Suddenly they hopped up onto the ledge and jumped over the woman. They spun around quickly and placed their sword at her neck.

"Nice try, Captain. But you'll have to try harder than that to best me." They laughed, but the fight between the first mate and captain had all been a playful waste of time. They had set sail only days before, heading towards a large kingdom. The name of which was Maveatus. It was known for its wealth and prosperity, which made it perfect for the group of pirates. There were even rumors of sirens in the area. Which, of course, nobody truly believed except for the children with more playful imaginations.

The first mate was only a little roughed up from the fight. They had fallen back and scraped their elbow. Not that it really mattered to them, they had been hurt far worse before. They were tall, around 5'7, with short and messy brown hair as if they hadn't brushed it in days. If you asked them, they probably hadn't.

"Soft!" Someone called for them from across the ship. They looked over and smiled, excusing themselves from whatever conversation they had been in.

"Cricket!" They called back as they walked over, wrapping an arm around their satyr friend. Cricket was tall, but that was on account of the fact they had goat legs. They smelled strongly of alcohol, specifically Vodka. But Soft didn't mind the smell too much.

"You did great, what's the score between you two now?" Cricket asked, ruffling Soft's hair, a bottle of vodka in their other hand.

"I think it's about 52 to me and 84 to her? I just got lucky, there's a reason she's the captain after all."

Cricket snorted a bit, "Yeah, yeah, but I still remember when you couldn't fight at all." They said before taking a long swig of the vodka, straight from the bottle as if it was water.

Soft rolled their eyes, scoffing a bit, "That was ages ago, and I was just a kid back then." The first mate moved away from the satyr. They ran a hand through their hair and smiled

"You still could've been able to fight." Cricket drunkenly argued, "I need another drink. See you around." They walked off, presumably to the kitchen. Soft couldn't help but laugh, shaking their head in amusement.

Only a few hours later did night fall. The moon was full and stars sparkled bright in the sky. Most of the crew had long since gone to bed. Soft was still up of course, they were a night owl and had always been. Even when they were little they stayed up late into the night reading any story they could find about pirates and sword fights. Never in their youth did they think they would end up being one. Yet here they were, on a ship. Second to only the captain.

The ship was named the S.S. Sea Twink. No one really knew why, but it was fitting. Pretty much everyone on the ship was either gay or trans or both. And those who weren't were either big supporters of everyone or they didn't last much longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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