Tord x Reader

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I sighed. This was the day that I moved out and started a new life. I picked up the newspaper in hopes that I would find an advert for a spare room, and with my luck, I did. The ad said that there were four boys living in the house, which I was of course fine with. Any place would be better than this hellhole that I was living in then. I closed the newspaper and called the number listed on the ad.

"Hello, I'm here for the spare room? I saw an advert about it in the paper and I'm looking to move in somewhere." I said, cutting to the point.

"Oh yes! I'm Edd! The address is 27 Durdam Lane! I hope to see you soon!"

I hung up and smiled. This was the beginning of a new start.

The next day, I got my things packed and got changed. I then got into my car, which was pretty old since I'd had it for 5 years now. I drove to the address Edd had given me, which proved to be pretty difficult; there were immense amounts of traffic. On the way there, I passed a man in a green shirt and stubble. He threw his drink at my car, which I caught and threw it right back at him. It hit him in the face, giving me a good laugh. "That asshole." I muttered and before I knew it, I was at the house. It was a beautiful cream colour with a red roof and two stories. I brought myself up to the wooden door, and knocked twice. A man in a green hoodie with brown hair answered the door. "Ah, hello!" he shouted. "I'm Edd! The one you spoke to on the phone!" I smiled and shook his hand. "I'm Y/N." I spoke at last, after an awkward, minute long handshake. A man in a blue hoodie appeared behind Edd, with completely black eye sockets. "Edd, who the fuck is this?" He questioned, pointing at me. "This is our new roommate, Y/N." Edd quickly responded, ushering the blue hooded man to introduce himself to me. "I'm Tom." Tom said quickly, not wanting to have any social interaction. An excited, ginger boy began running up behind Edd. "HIHIHI! I'M MATT AREN'T I BEAUTIFUL!" He yelled. I nodded in compliance. 'That's three boys,' I thought. "Hey, Edd, where's the fourth guy?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. "Tord? Oh he's in his room. Speaking of that, there's only four rooms so you're going to have to share with one of us." Edd said, quite bluntly if I'm honest. I spent my sweet time deciding, so long in fact that it was midnight when I made my decision. I was gonna use the lack of rooms as an excuse to meet this 'Tord.' I walked to the room with a red door labelled 'Tord' and knocked. The door opened slightly and I heard someone say, in a quite sexy accent, "Who are you?" I felt butterflies in my stomach and my face began to heat up. "I, uhm, I'm Y/N." I stammered. Tord chuckled. "Are you our new roommate?" I nodded with a goofy, lovestruck grin. "Edd said that since there was only three rooms, you would have to stay with one of us. I didn't expect you to choose me!" He said. I chuckled. "Well, I kinda had no choice- Matt's room is filled with mirrors so there's no space for me, Tom is a dick, and I don't wanna annoy Edd sooo..." I lied.

He opened his door fully to let me in. "Wow... your room is big!" I complimented. I noticed there was another bed, so I set my things down on the floor and excused myself to the bathroom to get changed. Once I was changed, I laid down on the spare bed and said, "Goodnight Tord."

I woke up to something on my forehead. It was Tord? He was... HE WAS KISSING MY FOREHEAD! THAT BASTARD! I sat bolt upright and yelled, "MAYBE DO IT ON THE LIPS NEXT TIME PRETTY BOY!" Once I realised what I had said, my face turned a crimson red. Tord chuckled. "Woah, looks like someone caught feelings quicker than I expected!" He laughed. He quickly pecked me on the lips, smiling a shit-eating grin.

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