Take a Break

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Authors Note - for the beginning since Alexander will not be able to spell that good and he is writing a letter to Angelica, i WILL comment under the lines with what it says with the correct spelling so it's easier to read if you end up not being able to understand it :)


Third Person POV

Alexander is sitting in his bedroom floor of his house, having a scrap piece of paper in front of him that he was writing on.

"my dearest, Angelica" he writes down hesitantly, not sure if he spelt her name right. He thinks for a second before he continues to write, feather in hand.

"Mr. Washingtun has been giving me some advice in writing lettirs since you hav movd away kinda far. he says im talanted at this and that im so smart!"

"it seems lik days and days come fastor then they used too, lik tomorow creeps in a pace from day to day, lik that one scotish tradety you told me about. I they se me as Mcbeth. Madisun is lik Bunqo and Jeffersun is lik Mcduff."

"did you know your an ocen away from me? why do you live an ocen away? I also got your lettir-"

Eliza gently walks in from the living room, looking excited. Alexander looks up at her and huffs softly since she interrupted him.

"Alexander, dear! Come take a break from writing! I have a surprise for you!"

"I cant! I'm writing a letter to Angie!.. I miss her too much for a surprise.." Alexander states softly. Eliza's stance slumps over and she sighs

"Alexander, supper is ready. Plus, the surprise can't wait! The letter can!" She walks a little bit more into his room, resting against the wall

Alexander puts his feather pen on the floor and looks at Eliza, "save me a plate!.. I'll see it in a minute!"

"you and you-.. kids-" Eliza sighs, "a minute will turn into never.. come on or I won't let you write to Angelica at all!"

"okay!-" Hamilton groans and stands up, walking over to Eliza and grabs her hand

"Since Philip turns nine years old today, he has practiced a little something just for you!.. he has been practicing it all day long!.. Philip, honey, take it away!"

Alexander turns to watch Philip as he starts to play the piano sweetly and sing a short little tune. The second Philip is done playing, Alexander claps loudly and jumps a little bit.

"That was amazing, Philip! good job! good job!" Alex shouts excitedly

"Now, take a break Alexander.." Eliza starts

"Eliza, Philip is pretty great!"

"Alex we are going up state for the summer.."

Alexander huffs and looks up at her again, "but I'm really busy-.. I get emotional-"

"You're seven- hey!- there's a lake i know that's upstate, and there's even a park near it! we can go when it gets dark and all the frogs are making noise.."

"I like parks! and frogs!.. ill try, if Washington is okay with it.."

"I am your mother figure, Alexander."

—A few weeks later—

"-Can you read this letter from Angie to me?.. please?" Alexander asks very sweetly

"yeah, of course, Alexander!.. when did you get another letter?"

"yes!- thank you! and I just got it, just now! let me go get it and you can read it!"

Eliza gently sits down in the floor and as quick as he left, Alexander comes back into the room and gives Eliza the letter.


"Yes! Yes! Read it! Please! Read it!"

"My dearest Alexander, you must get through to Jefferson. Sit down with him and compromise. Don't stop 'til you agree."

"Your favourite older sister Angelica reminds you. There's someone in your corner all the way across the sea. In a letter I received from you two weeks ago."

"I noticed a comma in the middle of a phrase. It changed the meaning, did you intend this? One stroke and you've consumed my waking days. It says "My dearest, Angelica" With a comma after dearest."

Eliza takes a deep breath, "she always has to correct you on something, doesn't she Alex? First it was how you write the R's, and now it's commas'.."

"Keep reading! Come ooooon! Pleeeease!"

"Okay!-.. um.. get ready for this, little man.."

"Anyway, all this to say, im coming home this summer at my sister's invitation! I'll be there with your family if you make your way upstate."

"I know you're very busy, I know your little work's important. But I'm crossing the ocean and I just can't wait! You won't be an ocean away. You'll only be a moment away"

"Wait wha-?!" Alexander begins to exclaim, before there's a knock on the door

"Guess who's here!" Eliza goes downstairs frantically and opens the door for her sister to come inside.

Angelica instantly pulls Eliza into a tight hug and they both are giggling loudly, happy to see each other after so long.

"Angelica!-" Eliza yells, and Angelica yells back, "Eliza!-"

Alexander stops at the bottom fourth step so he's at their level, "the Schuyler sisters!"

"Alexander.." Angelica pulls away from Eliza so she can pick Alexander up and hug him.

"Hi, Angie!-" "it's good to see your face.."

"Angelica, tell this child that John Adams will spend the summer with his family!"

Alexander giggles softly, "Angie, tell my mom that John Adams doesn't have a real job anyways.."

"You're not joining us?- wait-"

"I'm upset that I can't go with you upstate.."

"Alexander-.. I came all this way for us-"

"She came all this way!-" Eliza shouts

"I-.. I-I'll lose my job if I can't get this plan through Congress-.. people won't take me seriously without my job-" Hamilton speaks softly, starting to fidget with his little fingers.

"You're seven!- seven!- you don't need a job!- you don't need to be taken seriously!-" Eliza shouts yet again.

"We can go stay with our father, Alexander!- the lake!- and- and the park! We can go when everything is dark and pretty!-" Eliza says desperately, before taking a deep breath very shakingly

"I have to get my plan through Congress-.. I can't stop until I get this plan through Congress-" Alex says, causing Angelica and Eliza to walk out of the room-

Leaving Alexander to himself.

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