When Tan and Luca Figured it Out

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Street groans at the sound of a phone ringing, reluctantly leaning over Chris to grab the phone from the bedside table.

"Hello?" he says in a whisper, conscious not to disturb Chris.

"Street?" the surprised voice of Luca comes through the other end of the phone, "why are you answering Chris' phone?"

Realising his mistake, Street mutters a 'fuck' under his breath before answering Luca. "Uhh...I'm at Chris' place."

"Is she okay?" Luca asks, and Street silently curses, looking over at Chris who is now stirring beside him.

"Jim?" she asks, "who are you calling so late?"

Street moves the phone away from his hear in an attempt to prevent Luca from hearing his response to Chris. "It's Luca. I answered your phone thinking it was mine."

"Street!" she chastises.

Street gives her an apologetic look before putting the phone back to his hair. "Yeah, yeah she's fine, just needs rest, that's all."

"Alright then..." Luca says, not sounding very convinced. Before Street can say anything else though, Chris snatches the phone out of his hand and ends the call.

"Street! Now he's going to be suspicious!"

"Sorry," he replies sheepishly, "I didn't realise it was your phone. But don't worry, I just told him you were drunk, and I brought you home, but it was too late to go home, so that's why I'm staying the night."

Chris shakes her head. "And you just randomly ended up in my bed?" she rolls her eyes, "totally believable, Street."


There's a knock on the door, and Street groans. "What now?"

"Go on," Chris lightly pushes him away, "you get it."

Street rolls his eyes and gets up, heading into the living room and to the front door, ready to complain to whoever decided to make a visit so late.

"Who- Luca? Tan?" he asks when he opens the door and finds his teammates on the other side.

"Street?" Luca asks, though his surprised tone is more to do with Street's current dress status, not the fact that Street opened the door.

"You brought Chris home because she was drunk, huh?" Tan asks, smirking.

"Look, guys- "

He's cut off by Chris' voice entering the living room. "Jim? Who- Luca and Tan?"

"Hey, Chris," Tan says, still smirking, "we just came to check on you, since Jim here said you were drunk, but clearly you're just fine."

"Yeah," Luca says, now smirking too, "clearly you're both just- "

"Right," Chris says, stepping closer to Street at the door, "let's not talk about this. We'll talk about it tomorrow. Or literally any other day. I can't deal with you all right now," she says, going to close the door, but not before grabbing Street's arm, "you're staying. The rest of you can go away."

"Wait, you two- "

But Chris and Street don't get to hear them finish as Chris closes the door in their faces.

Street looks at Chris and laughs. Chris rolls her eyes and gives him a playful glare before walking back in the direction of the bedroom.

She turns back when realises Street isn't following and looks at him questioningly. "You coming or not?" she asks.

When Street doesn't reply, she laughs and steps back towards him. "Street, I might not be happy that you practically gave us away, but I still want you to come to bed," she grabs his wrist and walks in the direction of the bedroom.

Author's Note:
This is one of the one-shirt/short fanfics I wrote for Stris. I'm going to copy/paste them from word and edit for the formatting. Hope you enjoy :)

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