The Beginning

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On a sunny day summer began. The weather extremely hot, people going to the beach, pools anywhere where it's fresh. Except for you, you didn't get to go anywhere as you have no money. You wished your parents have a little bit of money but they are doing their best. You went out to the yard and sat under a tree reading a book. You read as you felt the hot weather. You got bothered by it so you went inside your home. Going to your room and you turn on the air conditioner. You hear a car's engine. "Ugh they are here?" you said annoyed. You looked out the window seeing a Jeep model, bright red three teenage boys in the car. You then see another boy's dark hair, skin tone so perfect, his nose pretty sharp. He goes in the car with his friends as they drove off. That boy's name is Changkyun, he recently moved into the house next door with his parents, he made friends during school but he was mostly one of the popular kids who would do extremely good in class but yet he was slightly a trouble maker. One time you were paired with him for a group project. He made you do all the work. He sat there being annoying and just did nothing. Well, glad school is over. 

You went back to the book and read where you left off. Your parents arrived from the market. You went to help them unload. "So should we go?" your mom said to your dad. You didn't mind their conversation. You put the groceries in their place. "Mm, it be nice to talk to them and see what they are like" your father replied. "Y/n the Im's invited us for a summer party tomorrow, we were thinking if we shoul-" "Mom, no! You know I don't like Changkyun, he's so annoying!" "But, he changed, he matured now," said your dad. You looked at them as they looked at you. "We are going, tomorrow dress nice okay?" "Yeah, I'm going to wear a ballgown and some expensive ass jewelry" you sarcastically said. You finished putting the groceries in their place and went to your room. You looked in your closet to see if you had something to wear for tomorrow. 

Luckily, there was, there was this shirt more like a crop top and some shorts thigh length. You put those aside and went to read the book. You flipped pages reading as the book seem very interesting later on you felt tired, your eyes slowly closing, as you tried to stay awake to finish the page. Soon before you know it your eyes close shut as you fall to sleep losing the page you were on. 

- The Next Day -

The sun rises, the sunlight hits your window into your face making you feel the hotness of it you wake up from it and yawn. You rub your eyes and go to the bathroom to get on with your day. You brushed your hair and went to the kitchen you see your mom and dad at the dinner table. "Morning sweetheart!" "Hi, Dad" "How was sleep? Oh in an hour we leave to go to the Im's" "Sleep was good and yes dad" you said as you sat down. You began to eat your breakfast. Your mom smiled. You ate as you only looked at the food. Your dad and mom are having a conversation as you just look down at your food.

- One Hour Later -

"Let's go y/n!" "I'm coming mom!" you yelled back from your room to her as you got your book. You put on the clothes and shoes you go downstairs to your mom and dad. You all walk out to the house next door. Your dad knocks on the door. The person who opens it is Mrs. Im. "Ahh you three made it!" she says. You looked down holding your elbow with your other hand. She lets you into her home. You four make it to the backyard. There other people, in the neighborhood. You see girls talking to girls, boys talking to other boys, music is loud, there's food. Your parents sat next to an empty table alongside you did. You looked for a quiet place to read your book. You went a little further to the backyard you went under a tree and read. 

- Moments Later -

You read, feeling the wind blow, it felt nice. "You read 'Twilight'?" asked a male deep voice. You looked up and see him.

Summer (Im Changkyun x reader)Where stories live. Discover now