Sneaking Out

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It was late at night and everyone was sleeping, everyone except Andy, she put on her glamor charm as well as a hoodie and damian's old combat boots from his Robin days, well he's still robin he's just bigger. Andy climbed out of her window and jumped onto the branch of the tree outside. She nearly fell but she namaged to gain her balance and she started floating and gently took off forgetting to close her window. She flew over the city staying out of sight, she did some flips and flew through some clouds. She was met with by mar'i doing the exact same thing, the girls laughed and took off racing to star city " so we grabbing Conner?" mar'i asked " yep, he said he had something to show me so I'm waiting to see what pretty bird has in mind" Andy said smiling " pretty bird, isn't that his mom's nickname?" mar'i asked " it works for him too cause he's a pretty boy" Andy said smiling " you realize that we have school tomorrow right?" mar'i questioned " yeah but I had a shitty day so I need a distraction" Andy said as they floated down to conner's window. Andy lightly tapped on the window and waited, she tapped again and waited. They were only met with an angry Dinah and Conner being held by his hoodie " hi Dinah, we can explain" Andy said as she opened the window " you two should be in bed asleep, be glad I don't call your parents. Go home girls, Conner can talk to you tomorrow after school" Dinah said angrily " right, good night Dinah, see you tomorrow con" Andy said with mar'i nodding in agreement as they took off for their cities " see you tomorrow cuz" mar'i said leaving for bludhaven " see ya Mar" Andy said leaving for Gotham. When she got home she saw the light on and a shadow in her room. She waited for the person to leave when they looked out the window and saw Andy sitting on the branch " Andy, what're you doing out there? It's 2 in the morning" Jason said looking at his daughter " I just wanted to look at the stars dad so I climbed up the tree to look at em" Andy lied " well that explains the twigs and leaves in your hair, come back inside, it's cold" Jason said moving from the window as Andy flew into her room " why are you wearing a hoodie?" Jason asked " it was cold and I just grabbed a hoodie and some shoes which just so happened to be my combats" Andy said closing her window " hahaha, you don't have to lie Andy, I know you snuck out. Why else would you wear a black hoodie with combat boots and jeans" Jason said smiling " I'm sorry dad, I just wanted to hang out with my friends" Andy said looking at her father " it's ok, as long as you didn't reveal yourself to anyone" Jason said smiling " nope, I flew through the clouds" Andy said smiling " ok, change back into your pj's and go back to sleep, you have school in a few hours" Jason said walking out of Andy's room " night dad" Andy said as she sat down on her bed " night kiddo" Jason said closing Andy's door and walking to his room. He took of his red hood uniform and he threw on a pair of boxers and climbed into bed with Kara and fell asleep. Andy had changed into a pair of pj pants and threw on a long sleeve shirt. She fell asleep easily but she woke up an hour later because of night Terrors. She walked out of her room and went to James's room she opened the door and climbed into the bed with her twin brother and fell asleep easily. This happened alot after the joker incident, she always had to have someone with her when she fell asleep or she'd have night Terrors. Some nights she stayed awake others she slept with either her parents, James or Kyle. Andy doesn't like sleeping anymore

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