Santa Prisca

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Andy hesitated to get on the chopper but slade pulled her in by her shirt " you got no choice in this" he said annoyed " I wish my dad were here" andy said under her breath " what was that brat?!" slade asked angrily " nothing, just wondering why I have to go to Santa Prisca?" andy lied

4 hours later

Andy was finally alone, she tried her com but all she heard was static. She looked out the window of her room and saw only the jungle " mom, Clark, Conner, Caleb, James. If you can hear me I'm on Santa Prisca, I really need you " andy said sadly. She waited for something to happen. She sighed and walked towards the bed and sat down on the end and started to cry.

A week later

Andy was currently training with slade and he was not holding back and neither was Andy. The two went head to head since he also had a kryptonite sword. For once her anger issues were helping her, she heard something in the jungle and got distracted. Slade took this opportunity to stab Andy in her side. She screamed and fell on the ground " come on. If you go down from one shot then why am I doing this!?" slade asked angrily " I don't want to do this! The only reason I'm doing this is to protect my family!" andy said angrily " how many times do I have to tell you. Your family isn't coming! Get that through your thick skull brat " slade said angrily " fuck you, you immortal bastard! " andy said picking up her sword and charging at him and stabbing him in the stomach and managed to get him on the ground. She kept stabbing him until he stopped moving. She knew he was still alive, after all he was basically immortal. She stood up and walked away from him to go clean herself up

3 days later

Andy was alone again but this time her com went off " andy, where are you?" the voice asked " I'm on Santa Prisca, my room looks into the jungle. I'll use my heat vision to let you know" she said into her com. She opened her window and waited for her eyes to start glowing. She looked at the jungle and took out a line of trees and waited " we see the trees, hang on ok?" the voice said Andy heard guards coming to her room. She took them out easily and ran out of the estate and made a b line for the trees she'd taken out. She knocked out guards on her way and finally ran into bane. She got in a fighting stance and waited for him to attack, instead she felt a blade enter her body. She looked down and saw a green blade in her stomach. She turned around and saw slade standing there " what a waste of potential" he said looking at her with disappointment. Andy took out the sword and used it on slade. She took off his right arm and left leg and when he fell she stabbed the sword into his stomach and pinned him to the ground, she slowly walked away from slade and saw bane fighting Conner. She smiled and fell on the ground. She looked up from the ground and tried crawling to the trees when she saw her dad in his old gear running towards her. He picked her up and started running with her. Her vision started to go fuzzy and she felt extremely tired. Jason kept running and didn't notice that Andy's eyes had started to close her eyes. That's when Clark came to the rescue. He took Andy out of Jason's arms and flew her back to the bat cave where AL was waiting. Clark put Andy on the med bay bed and let AL do what he needed to. First he put Andy under and started to operate

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