Chapter 5: The promise fulfilled, a goth deflowered

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Ben nodded and said "New Town,New Town" He turned the van towards a different side of New Town; but she noticed they were heading for Oak Hills, which was where Ben lived.

"Why are we heading for Allison's neighborhood?" Paige said, slightly lost. Ben was taken aback. " How do you know?"he responded.

"Long story" She paused, but soon turned to him with a confused look. " Wait, you live in Oak Hills? I thought you said you were broke?"

Ben laughed sheepishly. "I am. My dad is rich, I'm broke.

As they drove into Oak Hills, Paige noticed there was quite a bit of space between the houses. The properties were massive.

"What do you get out here, an acre?", she exploded. It had been a long time since she had been to this neighborhood.

Ben shrugged. "I have no idea. Dad bought the property after we moved here from Denver."

"Denver?" Paige thought about how long she had known him. "Yeah, I never even heard of you until after sixth grade."

Ben pulled into the spacious driveway of a large house. Paige looked to her left and saw a familiar mini-mansion

"That's Allison's place, isn't it? Man, haven't seen it in a while."

Ben nodded. "So how do you know Allison so well? I thought you guys were enemies."

Paige shrugged. "It's a long story. Short version: we were childhood friends until about 7th grade, and it's all been hell since then."

They walked up to the house and Ben opened the door to a spacious front room that looked like it was out of a Martha Stewart magazine. They wandered into the kitchen where a tall blond woman in sweats was. She turned around to see who was behind her. She was fairly good looking, in her late 20's, but much too young to be Ben's mom. She smiled at Ben and Paige, then spoke with a Russian accent.

"It's good to see you, Ben. Your dad is still "in Denver for a conference"". Ben rolled his eyes. Paige guessed that "in Denver for a conference" was some kind of code. The young blonde looked over to Paige "This is one of your new friends?" She smiled at Paige.

"She's a friend. Paige, meet Margarita. She is our live-in maid slash college student. She's renting the back house from my dad".

Paige shook hands with Margarita. "They just call me Maggie," she said. She suddenly grabbed Paige in a warm embrace and whispered in her ear, " I know why he bring girls here, be loud, I masturbate to the sounds", then let her go casually, leaving Paige pink in the face.

Ben rolled his eyes and grabbed Paige by the hand and said "Let's go". They headed upstairs into a hall and went into the second door on the right, Ben's room.

The room was nothing like what she expected a Jock's room to look like, with the forest green walls and ceiling. There were no jerseys or trophy-filled shelves on the walls; the only Jock thing was a poster of the match-ups for the NFL season and a bookcase stocked with sports books. There were some typical "boy things" around the walls: a couple posters of some bathing beauties, some video-games by his tv and laptop. The air smelled of different layers of incense used over the years. She looked over at Ben.

"Not what I expected," she said smiling. "Where are all the trophies?"

"In my dad's den,'' Ben sighed. "The damn thing is covered in sports memorabilia, yet he rarely comes to my games. Like when Maggie said he was in a meeting? That usually means either drinking with his work buddies or out with Trischa", he sighed, embarrassed, for whatever reason. She walked over to him and hugged him tightly. She looked up at him and smiled. She decided he needed a change of subject "So... I'm sure you keep all the naughty toys locked away somewhere?".

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