Question #1

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Ask #1;

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Ask #1;

"Oh it's great! I mean-- it wouldn't be nearly as fun killing people without friends to do it with..."

*Flumpty pauses*

"To, start with; everyone has been bent a little out of shape sense Jonochrome announced the third and final game is being created.
We've been packing for a couple of weeks now, just get ready for the move to the next location.

But, as in the others:

Blam is the calmest out of everyone here, he's easily the most helpful and supportive person I've ever met-- but he does seem a tad distant with himself though...

Redman is quite the opposite from Blam, he can be a little sarcastic piece of shit at times, but he can have his golden moments when he's not trying to kill me!

Now Grunkfuss... he's always picking fights with Owl and Golden Flumpty.
I swear this dude will Americanize everything if allowed to.

As in the others, they don't really interact much-- but they are nice to talk too when I get the chance."

Ask #2;

"Well, it gets boring quite fast around building;
and, how are you supposed to know who to choose to be your best friend for all eternity?
It is mainly all just for fun and games though."

Ask #3;

"Oh, thanks;
I didn't really expect anyone to notice me at all, but I guess it's quite refreshing-- I really am flattered."

*Blam sighed and walked away with an emotionless stare*

"And... I don't really wanna focus on the murders right now..."

Ask #4;

*Flumpty nervously scanned the room as if he was looking for something or someone*

"I-I uh... No I don't think so! *he lightly chuckled looking slightly flushed* "

*Grunkfuss turned his head directly at Flumpty giggling in a low tone*

" Hey egghead, looking for something? " the clown said in a teasing tone.

*teleports away*

Ask #5;

" We mainly just kill people in Flump-fuck's game, I personally just tend to my hat-- look at memes, and eat pizza like a fatass."

" Avoiding that damn egg... "

" I just do some crossword puzzles, practice my swag clown skills, and there isn't really anything else in particular-- as long as I don't have to deal with the others, I'm fine. "

*The Owl and Eyesaur appear to be in a mental brawl, the fuck*

Kevin Jr:
" I garden and collect hats, both are truly a revitalizing activities. "

Dare #1;

Everyone except Redman, Grunkfuss, and Kevin:
" Sure why not? "

*most of them formed a line, while some awkwardly, and happily hugged mxlky*

Dare #2;

"Oh definitely, they're... off..." the egg said uneasy.

" Well, Holiday in my opinion wasn't so bad; unlike the others, I could have a real conversation with the dude. "

" All the others said they didn't mind, I would've expected more negative reactions. "

Dare #3;

"Thankfully for us, we don't have any forms involving gender-swap, but I have a feeling the egg might. "

" I'm already kinda in a human form, and the others can't really control whether they are in their ulterior forms or not; Flumpty would have too- "

*Flumpty teleported and snapped his fingers turning everyone into a human version of themselves until the next ask*

:/ -- "Well fu-"

Authors note:
Big thanks to mxlky_wxyyy for these asks!
They are a much more talented writer than myself, so I suggest you go check their content out ^-^
I will try to make the writing and story more interesting/ enjoyable-- other than that, asks are still open for tomorrow but won't be answer until 10-12 am.

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