Die Again

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Soccer practice is finally over.

Everyone has gone home, and I've stayed to watch the sunset over the field.

But.. I'm getting kinda bored, so I think I might just head home now.

As I'm walking across the field to my car, I see the shadow of a person walking on the other side.

I thought everyone had gone home.

"Hello?" I call out to the unknown person across the field.

The person's head snaps up in surprise, like they didn't expect anyone to notice them.

I start to regret my choice of yelling at them when they start stalking towards me.

Shit. I'm gonna get murdered.

I try to make a last ditch effort to my car, but the stranger quickens their pace and catches up to me too fast.

"Hey, sorry if I startled you. I saw you watching the sunset, and I didn't want to bother you, so I tried to just kind of sneak by." She says with a chuckle and I laugh.

"No, it's okay. You didn't startle me, I just thought everyone had gone home." I said. I look around to see if anyone else was around, but nope, just this blonde haired stranger.

She didn't respond so we kind of just stood there staring at each other, not knowing what to say next.

Until I finally thought of something. Whether it was a good idea or not, I don't know.

"Do you need a ride somewhere?" I ask the stranger.

She smiles at me and nods her head.

"Yeah sure, that would be great. Thank you." She replies gratefully. I lead her to my car.

We both get in and put our seat belts on. I look at the girl in the passenger seat to see her already looking at me. Which startled me a bit.

"So,um,-" I clear my throat, "-where am I taking you?"

"Actually, I need to go to this water park down the street, but I would kind of like to wander around before then. Is that okay with you?" She asks me, and I instantly get confused.

That water park down the street has been abandoned for years.

"Um yeah sure, I guess. Where did you want to go?" I ask her.

"Anywhere is fine. I kind of just want to explore the city before I go." She says. I look at her with a confused face.

"Before you go? What does that mean?"

I see her eyes widen before she turns her head to look out the window, effectively hiding her face from me.

"Um, before I go home. I live kind of far away." She says nervously.

"Oh okay, well how do you feel about driving around downtown and looking at the city lights? I do that a lot after a long day. If that's not too boring for you.." I suggest.

She perks up and gives me a wide smile, before responding,
"Yeah, I would love that!"

"Okay perfect. Let's go stranger."

We've been driving around for about two hours, and it's officially pitch black outside now. The city lights shining brightly above us as we walk down the sidewalk.

We were both getting kind of restless in the car so we decided to get out, and grab some ice cream.

We sit down at a table outside the ice cream shop, and begin scarfing down our sweet treats like we hadn't eaten in ages.

Billie Eilish Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now