Swapped World

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"What the hell?!" Crusher stared at the other truck that looked like him. "CLONE! IMPOSTER!"

"Woah..." the other Crusher glanced at them before staring down at himself. "Am I? Huh, I don't remember being created, if i am..."

"Woah! Another Crusher!" Pickle gasped.

"Great, as if one of 'em wasn't enough," Starla muttered.

"Starla," Blaze gave her a disapproving look.

"What? It's true..."

"Um, hi there," Gabby greeted the other Crusher as she dismounted from Watts's driver seat. "What's your name?"

"Uh... Crusher..." the other dark blue truck spoke fiddled with his tires before tilting his head. "Are you all clones?"

"Wait, are we???" Pickle glanced down at his own tires. "Oh no! I never checked! What if I'M the imposter?!"

"Or... what if I am, and I didn't know it because I am one?!" the other Crusher cried out.

"Oh great, it's like having TWO Pickles..." Crusher grumbled, slapping a tire on his face. "Great, just great..."

"Oh, by the way!" Pickle handed the discus back. "Is this yours?"

"Oh yes! Thank you!" the other Crusher beamed and gently took the discus. "I almost thought that I lost my frisbee,"

"No problem," Pickle grinned. "Can I play?!"


"Well, for a Crusher, he sure acts like a Pickle," Stripes commented as they watched Pickle and the other Crusher play with the discus happily.

"This is really weird to watch..." Darington added. "Not like, bad weird, but like... I never thought I'd ever see anything like this weird,"

"I'm with Darington on this," AJ agreed with a nod.

"Hey, hey, check this out!" the other Crusher threw the discus towards a tree, which caused it to bounce off it and towards another tree before it landed on his head. "Ta-da!"

"Wow!" Pickle gasped. "That was amazing! Did you see that, Crusher?!"

"Eh, I've done better," Crusher shrugged and grabbed the discus from his other self's head. "Just watch me!" He threw the discus at the tree, but it ended up bouncing back at him and knocking him down. "Oh come on! It can't be THAT HARD!"

"Eh, it takes a while for you to learn how to do that trick," the other Crusher laughed as he helped Crusher up. "Want me to teach you?"

"Argh!" Crusher huffed and smacked the other's tire away. "I don't need some... lookalike to teach me anything!"

"Wow, you sure are grumpy," the other Crusher giggled. "You remind me of—"

"Crusher, where did you go?!"

The group jumped in surprise at the familiar voice of Pickle, but it sounded grumpy and frustrated as it got closer towards them. Only the other Crusher didn't seem fazed as he turned to face who had spoken with a smile.

"Hey, Pickle! Check this out!"

"Check what out— HOLY HELL WHAT ARE THOSE?!" the group were bewildered to see another green truck appear from the bush, looking horrified at the sight of them.

"I... actually don't know," the other Crusher hummed in thought.

"They're CLONES! OR WORSE; IMPOSTERS!" the other Pickle screeched before jumping onto the other Crusher's back in fear. "SAVE ME, CRUSHER! GET ME AWAY FROM THEM!"

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