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(I did say it was short XP)

"I can't believe we missed the race yesterday!" Crusher whined as they all entered the Monster Dome. "Man, that's the last time I'm making a takeaway machine..."

"I will thank God if you are able to do that!" Starla cried out with a praise.

"Don't worry, Crusher, we still have this race," Blaze assured him. "Just... no cheats, okay?"

"Ugh, I don't feel like racing today after... yesterday..." Crusher shuddered.

"D'aww, your other self wasn't so bad," Pickle assured him.

"He wasn't, but it sure was weird," Stripes gave a shudder.

"Yep, it was VERY weird," Darington hissed. "I didn't even expect a world like... like THAT,"

"Weird but fine enough," Watts shrugged. "Pickle acting like Crusher was strange, though,"

"Yeah," Gabby agreed. "I can never imagine Pickle being grumpy,"

"Oh, he can," Crusher chuckled. "You don't know him at home,"

"And what exactly do you MEAN by that?" Pickle raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing!" Crusher gulped.

"Maybe Crusher submitting to Pickle ain't so far-fetched, after all," Starla snorted.

"Hey!" Crusher glared at the cowgirl truck. "You've SEEN him mad, so don't be surprised,"

"That's true," Stripes grimaced. "Pickle getting mad is scary,"

"Really?" Blaze looked surprised. "I've never seen Pickle mad before,"

"Be lucky you didn't," Watts told him.

"Yeah, Angry Pickle is scary Pickle," Zeg gave a shiver. "Even Zeg afraid of Pickle when he mad,"

"Hey! I'm not THAT bad," Pickle crossed his tires with a huff.

Before the others could reply, a portal appeared in front of them, and the group turned to see a familiar dark blue truck drive through...

"Hi, guys! It's me!"

"Other Crusher?!" the group's jaws dropped as the portal closed behind him.

"Yep!" the other Crusher giggled. "My bestie wanted to try racing on his own today, so I wanted to go through the portal and see you guys!"

"Good to see you too, other Crusher," Blaze smiled.

"You wanna race with us?" AJ asked.

"Me?! Race?!? Really???" the other Crusher gasped and flipped. "I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO RACE!"

"Uh, not to burst his bubble or anythin' but how are we gonna explain TWO Crushers on the race track?" Starla questioned.

"He can take over for me!" Crusher cried out before grabbing Pickle and dashing out of the Monster Dome. "Come on, Pickle! We're going on a date!"

"Okay, okay!" Pickle squealed as he was dragged off.

"D'aww, that's so cute!" the other Crusher cooed as he watched his other self drive off. "Man, I wish my Pickle liked me as much as his Pickle does,"

"By the way he's acting, I... don't think so," Stripes shook his head.

"Stripes." Darington nudged him.

"Maybe he does, but he's just trying to hide it," Watts offered.

"Yeah, maybe," the other Crusher smiled.

"How about we forget about other Pickle and focus on the race ahead?" Blaze suggested with a smile.

"Oh yeah! The race!" the other Crusher did a flip joyfully. "Can I REALLY RACE WITH YOU ALL?!"

"Totally!" Gabby nodded.

"Time for the race!" Darington cried out as Bump Bumperman called them to the starting line.

"YIPPEE!" the other Crusher cheered before following after his new friends.

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