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I walk up to Adam and say " bitch I need my math book back." He says " that's no way to speak to your brothers bestie" I roll my eyes and say " yeah yeah just give it to me" he laughs and hands it to me and I say " bring your own now" he rolls his eyes I smirk and say  " that's no  way to speak to your best friends sister" he laughs and I say " see yah Banksie" he says " See yah  juls"
Let me introduce myself I'm Juleka   Conway I'm Charlie's little sister i play hockey on the same team as him I'm 15  that's really it

I walk into the class room
The teacher says " Juleka your late again" I say " yeah-yeah" she says " what was that" I smile and say " nothing" she nods and I walk to my set next to Adam and say " I just got here and want to go" he says " same tho" I laugh and look at him, I never noticed how cute he is and hi- no Juleka not gonna fall for him gross and Spaz would kill us if he had the guts too
Don't tell him I said that tho
The class finally ended thank god it was last period I couldn't handle it anymore  I went to the ice tank and into the locker room and change into my stuff 
I went out onto the ice and we started playing, as we were playing Fulton  hit he puck and I didn't see it coming snd he didn't see me and  it hit my wrist and I felt it hit  my arm I  started crying it hurt worse than you would ever think everyone came over and Luis skated over but failed to stop it made me laugh and Adam come over and said "are you ok? Do we need to cut it off?" I laugh and say " it hurts really bad, I try to move it but it hurt really bad and made me cry more Adam takes me over to the bench and Fulton comes over and says " I'm so sorry I didn't see you an-" I cut him off and say " it's ok it's my fault I should've been paying attention" he says " shush it's my fault Juleka" I laugh and say " it's both our faults" he laughs then coach comes over and says " you got to get to a hospital does anyone have there licenses bc it might be broken" Adam says right away " I do I can take her I wanna take her" Charlie rolls his eyes and coach says " alright then take her"  he helped me get my pads off but I told him to help get my jersey back on he helped get my shoes on because I couldn't move my wrist for that and then we went to the car the bumps were not helping with the pain
( deadass just makes it hurt more) we finally got the the hospital  we got to X rad and Adam came in with me because idk why but they scare me don't ask why the just do. I'd ended up being broken and I was bummed out about it
I got a cast and it was  the blueish green color of the jersey ( can't think of the color) Adam was the first to scene it,it says
Your favorite person in the world, don't brake your other arm
I laugh at it and we get back to the car and go back to the rank and I go in and everyone signs it they laugh at Adams
Fulton said sorry on it I could tell he felt bad but I kept filling him it's ok
I went home and  Charlie says " Adams coming over I hope you guys don't flirt"  I say " what?" He says " you guys where flirting" I look at him like he is a ghost and just lay on my bed and get up and get food I made myself some CHICKEN FINGERS   I sit on the coach on out a hockey game on and eat me food Adam walks ins bc yells " SUP MY SHAWTYS" I laugh and  yell " SUP BUT YOUR NUMBER ONE SHAWTY IS UP STAIRS" he laughs and walks over and says l" what's spaz doing" I say "is homework he scared of the teacher, French fry?" He nods and says " fckin pussy" I laugh and say " yup"
Don't tell anyone but he's the only one I share my French fry's with what he's an exception
Adam comes down and says " is that a fry? He gets one but I never do? And you said you wouldn't flirt with him like you did last night!" I say "CHARLIE HOW MANY TIMES TO I HAVE TO SAY THIS TO GET IT THROUGH YOUR SMALL HEAD I NEVER FLIRTED WITH HIM!!!" He rolls his eyes and snd says " yeah  but here's the thing you share you chicken and French fries with the person you like more than a friend" I say " I don't like him he just and exception" he says " mhm yeah  just like the other 20  boys you give your French fries and chicken fingers to?" I say " Charlie" he says " hep many boys sneak through your window at night?" I look at Him and tear up and say " what the hell has gotten into you? When the Charlie I know and love comes back tell me!" I run up to my room and slam my door and  hear Adam yell " WHAT THE HELL MAN SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG AND YOUR ACTING LIKE SHES A FREAKIN SL*T BUT YOU KNOW SHE ISN'T" I hear someone coming up and say " can I come in" I say " be careful he might think your one of the boys that come through my window at night" he says " it's ok" I say " come in Banksie" he walks in and walks over and sits next to me and I say " what did I do to him he's being a jerk for no reason" I tear up and again and break into tears and Adam wraps a arm around me and says " it will be fine, stop your crying it will be alright" he sits there with me in his arms and I fall asleep and before I fully fell asleep I heard Adam say " I love you" and he lays me down and puts. Blanket on over me I say " Adam?" He says " yea darling?" I say " one where did that come from and I love you too"
As bestie
He says " it felt right to call you darling now get some sleep for me please" I tiredly nod and drift of to sleep I woke up to Adam yelling at Charlie " NO CHARLIE THE BACON HAS BEEN COOKING FOR LONG ENOUGH" I start laughing and change into this

Just a kiss - Adam banks Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt