Part 2

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My wrist was killing me so I put it up in the middle of class I started to him bc I had nothing better to do I finished all my work and the teacher was chill I played on my phone and left
Skip to lunch
I walk to our usual spot and it's down and say " the kissing booth is tonight I can't wait oh hi cake eater" he says " jewelry." I roll my eyes at him and he does the same and says " I'm not doing it." I say " didn't ask anyways so Dean, Fulton, Kenny, Julie, Russ, Dwayne, and Averman you guys are gonna be out kissers?" They nod I say " alright we got out now losers and then cake eater"
School finally ended and I went home and put this on

Me and Spazway were at the booth setting it up and we opened it and people came crowding over and some people missed it was adorable because to people that liked eachother ended up kissing and I put my brother up and no one would kiss him but I sa...

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Me and Spazway were at the booth setting it up and we opened it and people came crowding over and some people missed it was adorable because to people that liked eachother ended up kissing and I put my brother up and no one would kiss him but I saw Linda and she kissed him the best part was they were not official but they did  Charlie said " Linda will you be my girlfriend" she said " yes" I was happy for him and they kissed I yelled " get a room" they laughed and walked off   I saw Adam and  I walked over and asked him " hey banksie I was wondering if you would kiss for the booth some of the ducks had to go and Charlie is off with Linda the mean Girls are doing it" he laughed and said " Juleka  Conway the girl who doesn't need help is asking someone else for help" and he smirks I say l" wow I thought people do things for the people they care for but I guess I was wrong" I walk off and go back  3 random girls walk over to me and push me behind the curtains and say " ong Girl my ex is out there and us 3 are friends and we wouldn't do that to each-other so will you do it for us" I stutter and say " I- I" they'd cut me off and say " thanks babe your the best" I heard someone walk up to me and hold my waste and kiss me I hear people gasp so I pull away and take my blind fold off and I see the one person I wouldn't expect to see Adam James Banks ( made up a random middle name sound pretty good tho) i see a small smile form on his lips and we kiss again it felt like time stopped and nothing else mattered except for him it felt like fire works were exploding everywhere we pull away and I say "omg it was in front of every one I'm so embarrassed" I lean forward into him and he laughs and says " don't worry Jewelry it was just a kiss" I think to my self was it Banksie was it just a kiss
My eyes widen and say " shit what are we suppose to tell Spaz" I run off to find him I run over and say " can I steal him real quick" Linda nods and I pull him off to the side and say " so during the booth we ran out of people so we used me and I have something funny to say" I saw Adam walking over and Charlie says " what happened" Adam says " we ended up kissing" Charlie's smile faded and says " come again?" I say " we kissed but it's for charaty right" he says " yeah but don't end up kissing him again or fucking bc I will literally never talk to either of you again"o nervously laugh

Skip to the end of the time 

I was cleaning up and I saw Adam making out with someone
I walk over and  tap him on the shoulder  the pull away I say " can I talk to you?" The girl says " beat it bitch" they continue making out and I tap his shoulder again and the girl says " interrupt us again a shower see what happens bitch" Adam looked mad and says " talk to her like that again I dare you." Aww he cares the girl smirks and pushes me" I land on my wrist that I just got the cast off of and tear up and the girl started laughing and says " haha can't even handle that" Adam was fuming and says " don't touch her" the girl laughs and says " you'd rather be with her than me" Adam says " well she's important to my family and best friend so she's important to me so leave" the girl rolls her eyes and walks off and he helps me up and says " let me take you home" I nod and we go on his Motorcycle it started ranging bad so we had to stop we ran into a little thingy  isk what they are called he says " we half to wait for the rain to die down before going ok?" I nod and we look at each-other
Screw this just a kiss thing
I ran over and kissed him I pull away nervous he kisses me again and start making out and pull away o say " was that just a kiss?" He says " I got to tell you something Juleka I love you sooo much" I say "  I love you too but what about char-" he says " don't even start with him you think I mean to fall for my best friends annoying sister and the whole time you were my number one shawty my guy so will you Juleka Rose Conway will you be my girl friend" I  kiss him and say l" did that answer  it for you?" He says " don't know let's try it again" we kiss again and someone cachet's us and says " what the hell Adam?"  I say " you bitch you took me to  your make out spot" I take off his  jacket and throw it at him but I walk back and say " I'm keeping Thai because I'm cold you got to take me home Banskiel he says " come up with another nickname baby please that's getting old" is  say " yeah yeah Banksie" he groans in announce and I laugh
We get back to my house and he drops me off  Charlie walks over and says " why were you in the back of his motorcycle?" I say " oh you left and I had no ride home but then it got bad so we stopped and waited for it to die down and then we went again" he nods and I walk up to my room smiling like a doofus and I brush my teeth and go to bed
*next day*
I wake up and put this on

" Aww he cares the girl smirks and pushes me" I land on my wrist that I just got the cast off of and tear up and the girl started laughing and says " haha can't even handle that" Adam was fuming and says " don't touch her" the girl laughs and says...

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I walk down stairs and see Adam and Charlie I say " hey dork and SUP MY SHAWTY" Adam yells " SUP MY SECOND SHAWTY" he laughs and Charlie says " alright let's go morons" I say " the only one that's a moron in here is you Charlie" he rolls his eyes and says " what about banks" I see " he has his moments" Charlie rolls his eyes and Adam smirks at me

Just a kiss - Adam banks Where stories live. Discover now