An Innocent Prank

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I'm excited to publish another story 😬 hope you enjoy. I'll post the final chapter tomorrow.

-Parks 🖤

As Nanami's significant other, Y/N had met Gojo countless times; always because of Gojo's conniving. They had been dating for almost a year before Gojo convinced Nanami that the three of you should go on vacation together. Well, it was more like Gojo had convinced Nanami to let him come along with the two of you.

You enjoyed Gojo's presence, though only as a best friend. Sure, he was gorgeous, but it was clear to you both that dating would never work. It would probably end in you strangling him, and not in a fun sexual way. His chaotic energy was fun, and you often took part in his shenanigans. But Nanami... He was just different. With him, you felt secure in the comfort he provided. And boy, did you and Gojo love pushing his buttons. Nanami would never admit it, but he was incredibly happy that Gojo and Y/N got on so well, even if they were annoying sometimes.

Nanami had already been wound tight because he wasn't used to taking time off work, but he had also insisted on planning the entire vacation alone. They hadn't even had sex all week because he was so distracted leading up to the vacation. Y/N kept waiting for Nanami to relax when they checked into their hotel last night, but he hadn't yet.

The hotel you were staying at had a restaurant downstairs that served breakfast. You and Gojo were specifically looking forward to the bottomless mimosas. While speaking to the employee at the host stand, Gojo noticed the strain in Nanami's demeanor. Gojo followed Nanami's piercing glare to the host who was obviously ogling over Y/N's cleavage. To be fair, she did look stunning in the floral sun dress she was wearing.

Poor boy, Gojo thought to himself and chuckled.

Gojo could see the man gulp when he realized Nanami was glaring at him. Nanami pulled you into his side with his arm around your shoulders as the three of you walked to your table.

You all sat down at a circular table, and you sat between the two men. The first chance Gojo could, he pointed out the exchange to Y/N. You were well aware of Nanami's behavior. You loved when he was protective, so you noticed it immediately.

"Wanna have a little fun?" Gojo whispered with a smirk.

His crazy blue eyes looked at you over his glasses. His sleeves were rolled up and the first few buttons on his white shirt were undone, exposing his chiseled chest. Gojo looked so laid back with his white hair falling around his face.

Seeing the perfect opportunity to be a brat, Y/N agreed.

Nanami needs to lighten up, Y/N thought. He's been so stressed about planning this vacation.

Y/N knew exactly what their little prank would get her. A devilish smile crept across your face at the images that flashed through your mind.

Nanami was sitting straight up, reading every line of the menu. Y/N turned in her seat to face Gojo.

"Hey Gojo, is there something on my dress?" You asked. Nanami didn't move.

"Where?" Gojo hummed.

"On my chest. That guy kept staring." You press your chest out at him.

Nanami's hand clamped around your thigh closet to him. He pulled it towards him, inadvertently spreading your legs.

"Behave." Nanami growled.

"Wow. What a view you've created for me, Nanami." Gojo leans back and stares at your open legs.

The hem of your dress was loose enough that it hung down, blocking any "view" Gojo would have had. Nanami huffed then tossed a cloth napkin at Gojo's face. He released your thigh, and you adjusted to sit comfortably.

"You're both very funny." Nanami quipped.

Throughout breakfast, Gojo's comments got increasingly sexual, and his hands kept finding reasons to touch you. The mimosas kept Gojo going, but for you, it was Nanami's protective hand squeezing your thigh every time Gojo touched you. It wasn't about making him jealous. If it was, you would need someone other than Gojo. The three of you knew that Gojo wasn't a threat. However, Nanami knew you were being a brat on purpose, so he kept a tally of every touch and joke. He was saving it for your punishment later.

By the end, Gojo was being so obnoxious that even Itadori would have noticed if he was there. Gojo wiped a drop of syrup off of your lip with his thumb. This alone had Nanami pressing his fingers into your thigh. But then Gojo pressed his thumb into your mouth. Y/N gasped and nipped at his finger.

Nanami took his glasses off and put them in the breast pocket of his button up shirt. Gojo knew he had gone too far, but he tried not to show it. His hand retreated as he leaned back. He noticed Y/N was smirking at Nanami.

She's brave, Gojo thought.

Nanami stood up and tossed his card onto the table. With a glare at Gojo, he said, "Return that to me later. Do not buy anything other than breakfast."

He looked down at Y/N and bent to your ear. His hand discreetly reached up and gripped the hair at the nape of your neck. The tiniest gasp left your lips.

"Get up," he whispered, "and go up to the hotel room before I fuck you on this table in front of everyone."

He released your hair and kissed the top of your head as he stood up. He then moved to Gojo and pulled his hair just the same. Y/N couldn't hear what Nanami said to him, but she did see his pupils grow to little saucers in his blue eyes and a shudder run through him.

You caught Gojo's gaze as you stood up to follow Nanami.

"Good luck," Gojo mouthed.

Y/N winked at him before Nanami gave your hand a quick tug. You had to work to keep up with his long stride. As you waited in front of the elevator, his thumb tapped rapidly against your hand.


You followed Nanami into the empty elevator. He stood just behind you as you both watched the door close. The moment the door was closed, Nanami spun you around and pressed you against the wall. His hand cradled the back of your head, protecting you from the wall. The other hand caressed your throat. Everything made your eyelids flutter closed with anticipation.

"Have you had fun?" Nanami's lips grazed your ear as his hand tightened ever so slightly on the sides of your neck.

"Yes," you whine and squeeze your thighs together.

Nanami sees your movements and forces his leg between yours. His thick thigh provides some much-needed friction against your pussy. You grind down against him. Your movements forced his hand tighter around your neck.

"Aroused, are we?" Nanami palmed at your breast, then focused on your nipple. "Your nipples have been poking through this dress all morning, princess."

"I know," you confess, still distracted by his thigh between your legs.

Nanami clicks his tongue. "What a little whore you've been today." He turns your head to the side with the thumb of the hand that's wrapped around your neck. His tongue traced the length of your now exposed jaw.

The elevator began to slow. Nanami dropped his thigh and released your neck. The two of you stood in silence as the elevator stopped and the door opened. His fingers laced between yours as he dragged you down the hallway to your room.

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