The Last....part 2

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The demoralized silence spoke louder than each of the three men caught within pensive prayer. 

Colin remained steadfast, left hand firm on the Presidents shoulder. Words were not necessary as they shared a moment for solace and found none. 

 It was as though an undeniable presence hissed at their reconciliation, their hope and preyed hungrily upon their fear. 

Though faint the whisper, the clarity was clear as the blank stares across their faces that their lives and the souls that govern them were not ever to be the same. 

It was Tenet who finally moved breaking the portentous stillness by unfolding his hands at which he’d been staring.

      “No,” President Bush said, clasping Colin’s hand against his shoulder as Colin started to pull away. 

      “When I said that I needed someone on my staff I could count on to say what was on their mind.” The President turned taking Colin’s hand in both of his own and pursed his lips; 

a hesitancy he developed after becoming President and learned that even when speaking from the heart one had to be careful of what he said. 

      “You promised that I could always count on you,” The President stared into Colin’s eyes. “Tell it to me straight, the truth, no matter how I may react.” 

     “More than words Mr. President.” Colin said, placing his free hand on top giving a firm shake to the completed hand bound bond between them. Colin focused intently on the President through mere slits. 

     “A promise I would die for before my word is broken.” 

     “How bad is it?” The President asked with a sigh, releasing his grip. 

     “That look you had a short while ago,” The President managed an uncomfortable chuckle as he sat back down, “moved the short hairs on my neck.” 

     “He went ghost there for a minute.” Tenet chimed, reaching for the silver plated pitcher of water, then continued after receiving simultaneous looks of confusion. 

“A term picked up from the movie Ghost.” Tenet said, then retrieved three empty glasses from a center serving tray and began to fill them. His brows came together eying the confused President and Secretary of State over the pitchers brim. 

     “Starred Demi Moore, Patrick Swayzee…?” He hesitated noting that they were clearly baffled as to how a movie had anything to do with the current situation and how easily the CIA director made the change of subject, somehow a morose welcome distraction. 

      “Anyhow the just of the movie is the betrayal of Patrick Swayze’s character Sam Wheat by his best friend Carl Bruner, played by Tony Goldwyn, resulting in Wheats death.” 

Tenet pushed a glass towards the President who accepted it with a slight nod.

     “But this Sam Wheat doesn’t die,” Tenet smirked. “His spirit more or less is stuck as a ghost.” Tenet filled the second glass, ice cubes tinkling against the sides. 

 “He ends up haunting Bruner finally getting back at him in the end.” Tenet pushed the second glass toward Colin who just stared wide eyed at Tenet while slowly sitting back down. 

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