The Last....part 3

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Colin Powell let the media do his bidding by simply making a calculated statement pointing a suggestive finger towards countries known for harboring terrorists.

Then three words spoken with a deep resolve by the President labeling the attacks as “acts of war” didn’t surprise most.

However the accusation sent a ripple of panic through foreign governments that knew they were more than aware of terrorists groups living within their perspective borders.

The White House was inundated with sympathetic calls from leaders of countries who were friends of the United States and calls from those who were not. 

Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi expressed in a statement broadcast over Libyan television as well a call to President Bush, denouncing the attacks in New York and also offered his assistance in finding those responsible.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat chastised his people for their celebratory dancing and burning of American flags in the streets and offered a tear-filled statement declaring that the attacks should bring together what divides our common human interest. He also declared that he would redouble his efforts for peace throughout the Middle East.

News organizations around the world broadcast replays of the planes impacting and subsequent collapse of the towers from every available angle and interviews with people on the street who expressed condolences to the families of those who lost loved ones.

     Mainstream media channels tried to get the upper hand predicting which country the United States would declare war upon.

Retired generals from the 1991 Gulf War and any other person with some sort of military background became paid spokesmen or ‘military analysts’ talking up how the military may respond. 

The analyst conveniently provided graphic illustrations of aircraft, naval ships and their vast arsenal of destructive weaponry, for a captivated news audience.

Colin and Tenet created a comparative list of those scheduled to be in the meeting on the twelfth with a list of those who were actually in attendance.

From that list they prioritized who could help them most without making matters worse. 

The list also contained other information about each individual, including their political backgrounds and motivation.

Neither Tenet nor Colin could believe the circumstances forging their relationship, but both agreed the relationship was necessary and politically very dangerous.

Colin would have to work his list consisting mainly of administrative personal and Tenet his list of names prospectively.

Attorney General John Ashcroft gave two quick taps then opened the door.

     “You want me to come back?” He asked, seeing Colin was busy on the phone.

     “No, no have a seat. I’ll just be a second.” Colin replied.

Ashcroft, quietly closed the door, sat down and waited

     “Thanks for coming so quickly.” Colin said after hanging up.

     “Not a problem.” Ashcroft replied brows together, noting Colin seemed a bit nervous. What Colin did next only increased his suspicion. He got up and locked the door.

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