Are You Going To be Alright? Pt. II

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I barged through the doors to the ER and rushed over to the front desk. A chubby nurse awaited me there, grinning up at me as I sprinted over to her.

"And what can I do for you today, Miss?" She asked, her red lips barely moving as she spoke. Her smile never faltered.

"I'm supposed to be meeting somebody here," I spluttered, quickly scanning the lobby for any sign of the Crüe.

"Alright. And who might that be?" She inquired, her red nails began picking through a stack of papers in front of her.

I bit my lip, not sure what to say. I had no real proof that it was Nikki who was in the hospital. For all I knew, it could've been Mick or Vince. Not only that, but which names would they be found under? I doubted Nikki's real name was Nikki Sixx...

"Um...I, uh..."

"Winter!" I spun around just in time for Tommy to grab me and pull me into a suffocating hug.

"Tommy, what's going on?" I croaked, barely able to speak, he was holding me so tightly.

After holding me for a while longer, he finally pulled away. It was then that my heart truly sank at the sight of him. His signature smile and positive attitude seemed to have disipated completely. He could hardly even lift his head to look up at me.

"You'll have to see for yourself. Come with me," Tommy heaved a sigh before turning and heading down an empty corridor.

"Thank you for your help," I muttered to the nurse at the desk, even though she hadn't really been much help at all.

I hurried to catch up with Tommy, following close behind him as we passed room after room, each open door showing us a different patient. Each one sadder than the last. I imagined each one as Nikki, at which point I finally peeled my eyes away from the doors and tried to focus on the back of Tommy's head.

With each step, my anxiety grew. I knew that I was getting closer and closer to a literal, living nightmare. Worse still, it would all be my fault. After all, it was I who had sought out Nikki's help, and it would be my curse that would have caused this mess.

My mind went back to "Phase 2" of our date. How warm his body had been against mine as we danced...the tranquility of his voice as he sang softly into my ear...

I felt the tears beginning to prick at my eyes as Tommy came to a sudden halt outside of a closed door in the middle of the hallway.

"It's pretty messed up...are you sure you can handle it?" Tommy asked softly, not even turning around to look at me.

I sucked in a breath and hurriedly brushed away my tears. "Y-yes."

Silently, Tommy reached for the doorknob and pushed the door open. A sudden light coming from the window straight across from us blinded me momentarily as I stepped passed Tommy and into the room.

As my vision slowly returned, I began to take in more of my surroundings. I noticed a couple of shabby chairs seated in the corners of the room, their faded red was a stark contrast to the white walls around us. Sitting in the chairs, and looking horribly out of place, were two more members of the band: Mick and Vince.

"Hey, gorgeous," Vince whispered, forcing a smile.

"Hello, Winter," Mick nodded gently in my direction.

I wanted to speak, to say hello to them. Maybe even run over to them, drop to the floor, and hug their legs forever. They were safe, they were familiar. What if Nikki was not?

Turning away from them without a word, I noticed that the opposite end of the room had a bright blue curtain that seemed to be shielding a section of the room off from the rest of the world. I imagined it was so we couldn't see whatever carnage remained of Nikki Sixx.

"He's back there," Tommy murmured, side-stepping me and lumbering over between Vince and Mick.

I watched him lean up against the wall, head hung low and his hands stuffed into his pockets. Vince and Mick couldn't even look at me.

Once again, I felt the incessant need to rush over to them and throw my arms around them and cry. The only thing that held me back was the strong desire to see Nikki. I had to know what happened. I had to see what the curse had done to him. Maybe I would finally learn my lesson this time.

Hesitantly, I crept towards the blue curtain. My heart was beating a mile a minute and the only sound that I could hear was the blood rushing through my head, roaring in my ears.

Gathering all of my courage, I bit my lip, squeezed my eyes shut, and pulled back the curtain. When I finally opened my eyes to see what awaited me there, I opened my mouth and screamed.

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